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  • Mordeth

    armDeu Source Released

    By Mordeth, in News,

    At the Doom It Yourself RISC port homepage there's word that the source to armDeu has been released, distributed under the GPL. This WAD tool is basically a DeuSF port to arm-RISC and has about the same functionality you expect it to have. Apart from the new license the code has been cleaned-up and it has a better WAD compression rate. Go and abuse those SPARC machines now :)


    It Came From Sweden

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Anthony Soto updated his site with comments on various projects he\'s been involved in, such as Crucified Dreams. Work on the number 6 in the \"Classic\" series has apparantly come to a halt, but progress on his Mordeth levels is looking up - as it damn well should be :) He\'s also posted two screenies for you to comment on below.


    More DWBS

    By Linguica, in News,

    Personally I have grown to hate the current Doomworld layout (HTML / table problems and such) but it looks like other people seem to like it quite a bit. Check out Blood Force to see what I mean. Um... yeah. Looks a *little* familiar. Here\'s their forum, not that I am suggesting anything. I feel that if you want to emulate the DW layout you should at least get creative like The Indy Project did.
    Update by Mordeth: Anyone \"emulating\" parts of Doomworld can expect me to shove a hot poker up their ass, along with word on some legal goodies expected to head their way shortly. Live in fear.


    Crucified Dreams

    By Mordeth, in News,

    The deathmatch megawad Crucified Dreams has put out a private beta test for its members. There's no word on an actual public release date but it can't be long now! Meanwhile, you can drool at the screenshots available at their site.


    Afterglow Blurps

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Derek updated The Afterglow with various blurps about, well, various things. He's put up a list of desired bug fixes and new features for the level editor DCK (although it's not very likely Ben Morris is going to listen); there's word about a new project by Richard Wiles called "The Slayer" (which doesn't have a website, silly him); a new version of the deathmatch project SurgeDM 2 due to a faulty nodesbuild on one of the maps; and finally he has uploaded various texture WADs to Walnut Creek.



    By Linguica, in News,

    Hrm... the entries have been slowing down recently. In the last day and a half I have only gotten one stinking entry. What, is everyone getting tired? Does the prospect of a brand new Voodoo 5 5500 AGP not entice you? Well bah to you then, someone else will take home the silicon in your place. So far I have gotten approximately 32 entries, so your chances of getting into the megawad, if not winning outright, are still quite good. Start those editors!

    On another note, your friend and mine Afterglow is off to university today, so wish him luck. May your newfound knowledge not stop you from making kickass Doom levels.


    Immoral Conduct

    By Mordeth, in News,

    The Immoral Conduct site has updated with a new version of this EDGE weapons mod. Or, if you prefer plain old Dehacked mods you can download that one as well. There are also a few ramblings on other projects the author plans on tackling.



    By Mordeth, in News,

    The COMPET-N site has updated with more demo madness. This batch consist of quite a lot solitary runs - some of them new records, naturally - and a first-ever E4 Nightmare run with 100% secrets in just under 13 minutes. There\'s also a batch of cooperative runs, including a rocketjump trick on Plutonia map01. So grab those new demos and a fresh bag of popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the carnage!


    LxDoom Blurp

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Colin Phipps updated his LxDoom site with the latest developments. The merger with the source port PrBoom is still on, and they hope to make a new release "soon". Colin also updated his notes on outstanding bugs in Doom, Boom, PrBoom and MBF. Bug fixes distributed under the GPL are very welcome, of course.


    Legacy News

    By Mordeth, in News,

    The Doom Legacy site has word that there now is an IRC channel where you can discuss matters concerning this source port. It's located on EFnet's #doomlegacy.

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