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  • Linguica

    New SpiceZDoom

    By Linguica, in News,

    There's a few new versions of SpiceZDoom out, which adds some extra stuff to the monster mod. What's new? Well, the view height now depends on the height of the monster, the arachnotron and lost soul have been added, mancubi now shoot dual fireballs, and the revenant rockets will now home on targets. If this all sounds old hat to you, try it out and see how cool it is.


    A New Glow

    By Linguica, in News,

    Afterglow's new webpage has been updated for the first time ever, and it's a large mother too. He talks about all sort of stuff, the Doom side of which includes Ninja Doom, Jägermörder 2, SacrificeDM4CTF, and lots more.


    Skull Tagged

    By Linguica, in News,

    The Skulltag homepage has posted part III of its preview of this ZDoom-based deathmatch-ish mod. It covers features like jump pads, spring pads, zero-G zones, anti-grav sectors, pushing/pulling objects, and also has 8 new screenshots to view.


    DoomNation Dead?

    By covaro, in News,

    Seems as though are pals at DoomNation are out of jobs or so it seems. And I quoth Cyb here:
    This is truly a sad day. I mean, after all the crap that has transpired in the past between our two sites, things had finally reached the nirvana it should be at. And now, well seems as though things have fallen from grace. *sighs*

    Hosting letters should of course be addressed to dwhosting@doomworld.com. There is always room here at Doomworld for quality Doom based pages.


    Final Doom?

    By covaro, in News,

    From the sounds of it, the "final" version of Hell Factory has been released. Note: this is the "final" because all known bugs have big fixed. I'm sure if any major show stoppers come up they will be addressed in the future. Until then you can go and get your "bug free" copy here.


    And So It Came To Pass...

    By covaro, in News,

    The day that the world shall end. And all those who stood before the force were torn limb from limb and left to die, their souls to rot in hell. That's right, the last day is coming, prophecy has fortold of it. Unfortunately, it only says soon. Damn unreasonably vague prophet type people. *kicks 'em in da nutz* But to read and interpurt for yourself, head over to this page.


    Turn Your Head And Cough

    By covaro, in News,

    Time to give your ZDoom wads a physical. And well, Rick Clark has another answer for you. Version 1.0 of his program, DCheck. Seems like we have another source spree going on again. Glad we are here for everyone to p1mp their coding skills. Now maybe one day someone will actually make a stable Quake quality net-play Doom. *hint hint*


    JHexen v0.99.5 Released

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Not only a new release of JHeretic tonight, but there's also a new release of the OpenGL Win32 port JHexen which brings it up to version 0.99.5. Among the new features are "a multiplayer menu for easier netgame config and startup (no need to use -net any more), and fixes to some bugs that could've crashed network games", as well as a launcher. Jaakko has also started work on JDoom... about 70% you can already see some results looking at our current POTD. As usual, we have mirrored the new released at our source port section.

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