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Miscellaneous demos (part 4)

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MAP 01 UV Speed in 0:43 bth04-043.zip

MAP 01 NoMo in 0:36 bth04o036.zip



MAP 01 UV Speed in 0:26 freak401-026.zip

MAP 01 NoMo in 0:22 freak401o022.zip

Map 02 UV Speed in 0:54 freak402-054.zip

MAP 02 NoMo in 0:45 freak402o045.zip

MAP 04 Pacifist in 0:01freak404p001.zip



MAP 01 Pacifist in 0:10 mzf01p010.zip

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Judgement by Jessica Parrish
2m 13s
Wasted Temple
7m 1s
map 2 at 1m 20s
UAC Nukage Processing Area
4m 32s 
cl4 pluotonia iwad
 WASTED: UAC Waste Facility #253
2m 20s
    Marble Blood
map 1 at 4m 1s
map 2 at 6m 10s
map 1 at 2m 26s
Rooftop Garden 
at 1m 48s

Nex Credo
map 10  at 1m 24s
Am I Evil? 

6m 49s

at 2m 29s
7m 26s
 Devil's Clean Up Detail
7m 31s
 CASTLES OF DEATH (for DOOM v1.666+) misc.zipmisc.zip1m 48s

2m 36s


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JHCool.wad by unknown


MAP01    NoMo          :21.06    jhcl01o2106.zip
MAP01    NM Speed    :20.03    jhcl01n2003.zip
MAP01    UV Pacifist    :21.17    jhcl01p2117.zip
MAP01    Stroller        :47.57    jhcl01str4757.zip
MAP01    NM 100S       :24.00    jhcl01ns2400.zip
MAP01    NoMo 100S    :27.46    jhcl01os2746.zip
MAP02    NoMo          :17.71    jhcl02o1771.zip
MAP02    NoMo 100S    :33.49    jhcl02os3349.zip
MAP02    NM Speed    :29.49    jhcl02n2949.zip
MAP02    NM 100S       :39.43    jhcl02ns3943.zip
MAP02    UV Speed    :31.40    jhcl02-3140.zip
MAP03    NoMo          :19.83    jhcl03o1983.zip
MAP03    UV Pacifist    :21.74    jhcl03p2174.zip
MAP03    NM Speed    :23.09    jhcl03n2309.zip
MAP04    NoMo          :41.49    jhcl04o4149.zip
MAP05    NoMo          :35.11    jhcl05o3511.zip
MAP05    UV Pacifist    :36.11    jhcl05p3611.zip
MAP05    NM Speed    :36.06    jhcl05n3606.zip
MAP05    Stroller      1:21.69    jhcl05str12169.zip
MAP06    NoMo          :45.14    jhcl06o4514.zip
MAP06    NM Speed    :54.31    jhcl06n5431.zip
MAP06    UV Speed    :52.71    jhcl06-5271.zip
MAP07    NM Speed    :22.37    jhcl07n2237.zip
MAP07    UV Speed    :21.97    jhcl07-2197.zip
MAP07    UV Pacifist    :32.20    jhcl07p3220.zip


Edited by Human Being

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UV-Fast in 4:16 homerf416.zip

Video: https://youtu.be/1hVKjU3NLrs


UV-Respawn in 2:42 homerr242.zip

Video: https://youtu.be/a0MRM-m92zE


NM-Speed in 1:23 homern123.zip

Video: https://youtu.be/m8dPcjNEnZI


Also, is there anything wrong with these runs or did they just slip through the cracks? Thanks!

On 6/23/2023 at 12:18 AM, grapes said:

UV-Speed in 0:57 homer-057.zip
Video: https://youtu.be/x41aogoDxZI

NoMo in 0:50 homero050.zip

Video: https://youtu.be/BqB2_5sYRSs



Lakeside (Thread) [Not to be confused with Lakeside by Megalyth already on DSDA]

UV-Max in 9:57 lksde01-957.zip

Video: https://youtu.be/Fq5HCXCcvyE


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6 hours ago, grapes said:

Also, is there anything wrong with these runs or did they just slip through the cracks? Thanks!

They are being set aside until Lakeside ends up on idgames or is somehow labeled as final.

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10 minutes ago, 4shockblast said:

They are being set aside until Lakeside ends up on idgames or is somehow labeled as final.


That makes sense, I wondered if idgames was a requirement for WADs getting a board. If possible, feel free to bin that run so the HOMER runs can at least get processed. I'll leave Lakeside and other similar stuff alone for the time being. Cheers!

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MAP01 UV-Max in 2:14
MAP02 UV-Max in 5:22. This one misses 1 monster as the map appears to be bugged: a pinky refuses to teleport from a monster closet.




Edited by Plut

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3iac Map 31s Pacifist 0.03 3iac31sp003.zip

ASS68 Map 03 UV-Speed 0.23 ass6803023.zip

canyon E2M1 NM-Speed 0.23 canyonn023.zip

& Pacifist 0.23 canyonp023.zip 

collect E1M3 Pacifist 0.06 collect13p006.zip

doomjr Map 18 Pacifist 0.51 doomjr18-051.zip 

enirvana Map 08 Pacifist 0.17 enirv08p017.zip

freak4 Map 04 Pacifist 0.89 freak404p089.zip

revenger Map 22 NM-Speed 0.06 revenger22n006.zip

& Map 31 Pacifist 0.20 revenger31p020.zip


Some of these have threads already. Apologies

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