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  • Arioch
    According to this message thread in the Doomworld forums, id Software may well be getting ready to show off more of the new Doom game under development at the 2001 QuakeCon, which will be in August, from the 9th to th 12th. They are also expected to show off Doom running on the GBA and possibly Quake 4, to be developed on Microsoft's X-Box.


    JDoom Author Updates

    By Arioch, in News,

    Rethcir noticed that the JDoom page has moved to a Newdoom virtual host at http://jdoom.newdoom.com/, and that its author, Jaakko Keränen has returned from his Army service. Jaakko mentions that over the next two months he'll be relaxing and doing a lot of coding, so we likely can expect more JDoom news in the immediate future. Thanks Rethcir.


    WadC 1.1

    By Arioch, in News,

    Aardappel sent in the news that he has released version 1.1 of the WadC editor, a map editor which is unique in the fact that you type in a sort of script code to create maps. Anyway, here\'s the copy/paste from the readme file. Doom features:
      - auto texturing (!)
      - zdoom/hexen wad format support, slopes etc.
      - \"world coordinates\" xoff alignment
      - explicit sector assignment
    UI features:
      - improved mouse editing & preview window
    language features:
      - eager evaluation of function arguments
      - global variables and objects
      - stacktraces in runtime error messages
      - new math functions: sin/asin
    distribution features:
      - some more examples / useful include files
      - many small enhancements/fixes
    Aardappel also mentions that he has moved his Doom map pages off of Planetquake and onto his personal page here.


    The Phantom Wadster

    By Arioch, in News,

    This week's Doom Center Wadster is Anthony Soto, otherwise known as Swedish Fish, who was involved in such projects as Darkening Episode 2 and GothicDM 2. The feature is mostly geared towards Swedish Fish's relatively recent release of the Classic Episode, a set of levels billed as "in the original Doom style."


    Speedmap Pack #6 Released

    By Linguica, in News,

    Oops, almost forgot to mention this: the pack for this week's Speedmapping has been posted. This week's theme was to make a new final level for Doom 2, although the theme is a little more in-depth (read the text file for more on that). Make sure and go over to the Speedmapping page and check it out, as some of these finale levels are quite cool, especially for being made in two hours.


    Lighted Cavern

    By Arioch, in News,

    Chriz Lutz updated the Chaos Crew page with a brief, very brief description of the current state of Caverns of Darkness, as well as posting a little bit on his plans for the rest of Phobos: Anomaly Project, including a screenshot of a location from P:AR's E1M9.


    Music Of A Fanatic

    By Arioch, in News,

    Fanatic uploaded the results from his MIDI Class #3 over the weekend, which is a 15 meg download, and has prepared the next class, which is due on the 7th. He's included an example of his own in this week's assignment, so head on over to his site and take a ... listen.


    Doom Center Quiz

    By Arioch, in News,

    The second day of Doom Center's week-long feature dedicated to Doom's Episode One has two parts. The first part is a tribute article by Doom Center's Anarkavre, the artist formerly known as DoomFlynn, and the second part is a mini-quiz, for which a correct answer is submitted as a chance to enter a random drawing for a copy of Knee Deep in the Dead, by Dafydd Ab-Hugh and Brad Linaweaver. The over-arching feature article can be found here.


    Doom Statistics 101

    By Arioch, in News,

    The infamous fisheye enthusiast Aardappel has posted a short program that analyzes the frequency of certain attributes of Doom maps, with some sample output from a few of the most popular megawads ever created for Doom and Doom 2. Both the source code to the program and the sample data gathered are available from here.


    Contest At Doom Center

    By Arioch, in News,

    At Doom Center, webmaster Bigdog has dedicated the entirety of next week to a mega-feature on Doom\'s Episode 1. There\'ll be a number of small contests, features, interviews, and other articles centered on the first episode of Doom. The first day brings us a level-making contest, for interested people to make an E1 style map to be judged by none other than John Romero himself! The award for the first contest is an autographed Ultimate Doom box. For more details, visit the contest page here.

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