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    The Old Stuff Chronicles

    By Guest, in News,

    Along with the faint scent of fresh coffee, so to with the rising sun does Saturday morning bring with it another edition of this weekly feature article. Good morning, everyone, and welcome to Oldstuff Chronicles.
    Of all the various levels and experiences that I have exposed you to in the weeks prior to today, today's feature was a very difficult choice for me to arrive at and is unusual in two aspects. Bear with me...
    First, today's feature numbers among the very first external levels for DOOM(2) that I ever had the pleasure to play. Stop for a moment and ponder that -- me, now the seasoned creator of several successful levels and battle-hardened veteran of far more DOOM levels than I can possibly recall, taking his very first steps into the great unknowns of the plethora of maps available.
    This first point leads to my second -- today's feature is the only level of the several previously examined that I have been less than confident about sharing with the DOOM community. Why? Because I suspect that a number of you will strongly dislike the level that I am about to present you with, and I am hesitant to expose a map as distinct and powerfully nostalgic as Voidship II to such harsh criticism.
    The author of Voidship II, Kevin McGrail, was inspired to create a ship in the heavens run by the forces of Hell when he first caught sight of the starry sky of a previous Oldstuff feature, Doomsday of the UAC, back in 1994. The end result of McGrail's now-revered muse, creativity, and several refinements over the years resulted in the final product -- a map worthy of being featured here on Doomworld.
    Voidship II is a keenly textured, well-populated, puzzle-driven piece of art. McGrail forces the player to use his or her brains as much, if not more, than the arsenal presented to combat the environment and enemies presented throughout the level, often giving the player with a destination but no obvious path to reach it. I begrudgingly selected Voidship II for today's article for fear that some of you will despise it, but I hope that you prove me wrong on that and embrace Voidship II with an open mind and experience it for everything that it is -- creative, encompassing, and interesting. It is time well spent. Do take care, and enjoy!
    Note: those of you without DOOM2 should be aware that a version of this level exists for DOOM.


    Speedmapping Reminder

    By AndrewB, in News,

    Don't forget, Doomworld's 6th weekly Speedmapping activity happens tomorrow at 20:00 GMT, or 8:00 PM. If you're not sure what time that will be in your zone, simply take a look at this clock, and when it reaches 20:00, you'll know it's time to start mapping! For more details, visit the Speedmapping page.


    CPL Doom 2 Tourney Results

    By Linguica, in News,

    The CPL homepage has the results from their latest Doom 2 tournament which took place at the CPL 4-Year Anniversary Event. Here's the winners ripped from their page:
    Adam Hegyi also told me that "BahdKo crushed John Romero," so that's the second man-beating John has taken at the hands of a woman that I know about.


    Deimos Labs Exposé

    By Arioch, in News,

    The latest feature at Doom Center is a short question and answer session between Bigdog and John Zoron of Deimos Labs, which attempts to unravel some of the mystery surrounding the enigmatic new website which claims to disseminate information relating to the incidents at the UAC laboratories on the Martian moons of Phobos and Deimos.


    Sir Robin Twitches

    By Arioch, in News,

    Sir Robin has updated his page with four more reviews for your viewing pleasure, which are of maps 5 through 7 of the Zort series by Cyb as well as the recently released COECITS by Fredrik Johansson.


    Speedmapping Prize Winner

    By AndrewB, in News,

    Those goons over at the Co-Op Certification Laboratory wasted little time in selecting their winner for last Saturday\'s Speedmapping activity hosted by Doomworld. Blake Wilfong fired off an Email message to Doomworld letting us know who the winner is, but we won\'t let you know until the Co-Op Certification Laboratory updates with the results. So if you were one of the participants in last Saturday\'s Speedmapping exercise, keep your eyes open and your fingers crossed! There\'s a copy of Perdition\'s Gate, the out-of-print commercial megawad for Doom 2 heading out to the winner! I can tell you this much; I was not the winner of the contest, so put that thought out of your mind.
    Update: The Co-Op Certification Laboratory has updated announcing the winner, so head on over and see who it is!


    Sidescroller Design

    By Arioch, in News,

    Captain Mellow has posted the first design document for a Doom "sidescroller" that he will be working on, over at Mellow Land Productions. At this point, however, he still hasn't decided whether to make it a sidescroller or give it an isometric view.


    Texture Like An Egyptian

    By Arioch, in News,

    Andrew Mckie of the Egyptian Doom Resources has sent word of a new Egyptian-styled texture wad and a level using 3D Legacy features, which, among other things, are available for download from the Egyptian Doom Resources page.

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