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  • Arioch
    Tobias Münch of Phobos Wad Lab sent word that he's given the Phobos Wad Lab pages a redesign, as well as uploaded a single-player map in the style of Doom's episode2 entitled "Unknown Fate". He also talks a bit about his involvement in last week's Speedmapping exercise.


    Sir Robin Strikes Again

    By Arioch, in News,

    Sir Robin has updated his pages with some thoughts on this last week's speedmapping exercise, as well as taking the opportunity to plug his new page of electronic music. He's also got 2 new reviews up, one of the new Phobos: Anomaly Reborn demo and one of The Following, which is a Doom 2 map for ZDoom.


    New JDoom Screenshots

    By Arioch, in News,

    JDoom coder SkyJake has uploaded a load of new screenshots showing off the capabilities that have recently been added to the Doomsday engine code, in preparation for the eventual release of version 1.0 of the Doomsday engine.


    Speedmapping Download #5

    By Arioch, in News,

    The fifth package of Speedmapping WADs, which are from yesterday, are available for download here. More details are available at the Speedmapping page, including an explanation of this week's theme as well as a bit of information on the prize.


    Croatian Lanparty Demos

    By Arioch, in News,

    Zvonimir 'fx' Bužaniæ sent in a link to a download page of goodies from a recent Doom lanparty held in Croatia, with players such as Oliver 'Biolio' Marèetiæ, Goran Žauhar, Tomislav 'Mihha' Mihaliæ, and Marijo 'Sedlo' Sedliæ (heavy-duty Compet-N speedrunner, remember him?). The files available includes the WADs and utilities used as well as a zipped file of 31 of the demos taken during the lanparty. The download site can be found here.

    Bigdog over at Doom Center has netted yet another exclusive for all you lucky people out there. This time it's a TC project based in the Star Wars universe, entitled Darkest Hour. I'm going to go out on a limb and call it the best-looking Star Wars type conversion done for Doom. Go look at the feature, read the interview, and decide for yourself.


    PRBoom 2.2.1

    By Arioch, in News,

    Proff sent news that the new version of PRBoom, 2.2.1, is ready. Here\'s a list of the changes from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1:
    improved fix for demo sync problems with lost souls bouncing off floors fixed bug where loading a -fast or -respawn savegame failed to restore those options properly fixed demo sync bug with doors also tagged to lift triggers fix some endianness problems in the OpenGL renderer hopefully fixed some problems compiling for Linux/ARM fix multi-level demo time totals to agree with compet-n linux rpm is now a bit more standardised Unfortunately, according to Proff, SourceForge is having some problems, so the new version of PRBoom is not yet available for download.


    Sgt. Crispy's World

    By Arioch, in News,

    That Chainsaws and Boomsticks guy has sent word of a redesign at his page as well as the news that he has uploaded Week 5 of the Speed Mapping Radio, which is a sort of commentary on each week's speedmapping exercise.


    MIDI Class #3

    By Arioch, in News,

    Fanatic uploaded the results of his second MIDI class yesterday, which is about a 13 meg download, readers be warned. He's also uploaded the file to be used for next week's MIDI composition exercise, so take a look if you're interested.

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