The Doomer's Recess has been updated with a new review of X-Mas Deathmatch, not to mention Chris Hansen's amazement with the EDGE engine, which seems to have smitten everyone with its true-3D architecture, albeit no slopes (working on that yet, guys?). He also talks about making a reconstruction of the Star Trek Voyager engine room in EDGE, which ought to be interesting.
Rick Clark has been bitten pretty hard by the EDGE bug, and has put a new pic up of the second map in his Stadel WAD. Don't forget about your other projects though, Rick...
I don't think there's much anyone can do to help this guy, but it is a powerful reminder of just how important it is to have multiple backups of any important work you may have done. Ouch. If you have any words of sympathy or maybe some way he could recover his data, email the poor soul.
We've just posted a new article entitled Doom 3: The Doomers Speak Out which was conducted by our good friend Matt Dixon. As he writes, "featured within this article, this informal interview, are several high-profile individuals within the DOOM community as well as prominent ex-members of the DOOM community who now operate within the gaming industry." Those individuals would be Ola Björling, Mattrim Dixon, Martin Friberg, Sverre Kvernmo, Marc Pullen, Eric James Roberts, John Romero, and myself. It's quite lengthy, but quite entertaining. Check it out.
I've been bouncing this idea around for a while and I figured it was time to actually do something about it. I'm looking for someone who will write a short synopsis every week of all the WADs released in the past seven days. We do have the /newstuff table over on the left (everyone knows about that and uses it often, right?) but I would still like for someone to do a weekly wrapup of all the new stuff and post an update to tell us if any of it is decent. You can email me directly but it would be easier just to post to the comments if you'd like the job. No money is involved, but you'll have access to the Doomworld news-updating script, and isn't that leetass enough?
The Goldeneye Doom 2 TC has again been updated with more graphics and plenty of fixes and enhancements. There are also some more screenshots uploaded as well.
The Skulltag homepage has been updated with some info on the next beta of the multiplayer mod. It should be coming out sometime in the next week, and it'll include proper client/server support, along with many various fixes and additions, including teamplay, CTF, and maybe instagib.
The]Kill page has been updated with info concerning E2M1 of Kill, and there are also some screenshots posted of it, including a shot of the new "monstrosity monster." They're also still looking for a coder.
Tarin's Page has been updated with some screenshots of a new DM level, some screenshots of a few CTF levels for Skull Tag, some stuff about his first finished DM level for DooM3057 and finally the question of whether or not to make his ZDooM launcher BloodSplash to work with other ports than ZDooM.