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  • Mordeth

    Team Insanity

    By Mordeth, in News,

    They are back! Please welcome our latest hosted site: Team Insanity. The review site is up and running again after its previous host DoomNation went down. Some files are still missing and several of their projects are stil without a page (such as Doom Millennium), but all the reviews are there.


    Doom DM Resource Updated

    By Linguica, in News,

    The Doom Deathmatch Resource has been updated with some commentary on all this csDoom stuff (better left alone in my opinion). Also, they talk about the new features of the new version, and there's a new poll as well.


    Sheer Torture

    By Linguica, in News,

    The Torture homepage has been updated with the news that 4 levels have been finished so far, and a "quite impressive" 5th level is being worked on. New screenshots have been posted as well.


    Recess Is Over

    By Linguica, in News,

    The Doomer's Recess has been updated with a new review of Chainsaws and Boomsticks II, which is a bunch of levels built in a Q2 environment. The reviewer seems to think that they are decent but nothing special.

    Please welcome to Doomworld two new sites! First to move in is Afterglow, sporting a new layout for his site and who has also updated with a few new goodies such as two new texture sets, a new download of his map07 revamp called 'Deadly Simplified', an exclusive download of Nick Baker's latest ZDoom Deathmatch level called MorbidDM 2 (go grab now!) and lastly a new tutorial on how create to a spinning ceiling fan - in the style of Earth's rolling breakers and Batman Doom's flapping banners. Afterglow's 'DMDCTF1' level is still not out though.
    The other site moving in is the demo site Public Dang. Finally freed from Xoom's random terror, these folks amaze us simple folk every time again with new and improved runs through Ultimate Doom, Doom2 and Final Doom levels. These demos range from the relative simple 'complete as fast as possible' runs to 'kill everything using only your fists'. We watch in awe.



    By Mordeth, in News,

    Come gather all Doomers in #mailbag, your friendly neighbourhood channel.
    There are several new demo runs available at the Kill site, one of them for the Kill beta itself. People are also encouraged to submit their own demos. They are also looking for a coder to help out creating a custom mod for this Ultimate Doom project.
    The new Flash 4.0 layout at the ReOL Tough site is now in working order, or so we've been told. Navigation problems ought to be solved with these fixes.
    AndrewB.net has updated with six more Heretic MIDIs and MP3s. The tracks are from E1M4 through E1M9.


    DoomServ v4.0 Soon

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Word at the DoomServ site has it that a final v4.0 release of this lobby-driven internet matchmaker for ZDoom is around the corner. Apparantly the problem that caused servers to stop responding has been found and is currently being fixed. Also, the moderators for the servers will be announced publicly from now on.


    csDoom v0.62 Released

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Well, after a very tumultuous night the csDoom site is back up and a new version (without backdoors) and including all the source has been released. You can find the new v0.62 binaries and source for Win32 and Linux/FreeBSD mirrored at our source port section.



    By Linguica, in News,

    Torture for Doom 2 has moved over to XOOM, as the page's Tripod account was mysteriously deleted.
    Jamie Robertson sent word that he has released the final free track from his Doom Millennium soundtrack CD. Entitled "Panaround," you can download this "terrifying instrumental soundtrack" here.

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