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  • Linguica

    New ZDoom(GL) Launcher

    By Linguica, in News,

    Scott Hilleard emailed us to let us know about a new ZDoom/ZDoomGL launcher he's created entitled Scottles Doom Launcher. Apparently, he has modeled the look and interface after the Doom Legacy launcher.


    Get Wild

    By Linguica, in News,

    The Rick has updated all the screenshots for MB1 and added a shot for map 04. As he says, "I am currently working on maps 5 and 6 so the first Chapter is just about done. There will be seven total maps in this chapter." This is all on his maps page, BTW.


    Elementary My Dear Watson

    By Linguica, in News,

    Steven Quiambao sent the news that he has opened up a ZDoom Deathmatch Demo website entitled Dead Simple where people can submit their deathmatch demos to him and he'll post them. Even though he's quite partial to ZDoom, he'll also accept Legacy and Doom2 1.9 demos.



    By Linguica, in News,

    COMPET-N has a new demo-packed update with the return of Marijo "Sedlo" Sedlic and Istvan Pataki, two new rocket jumps, and the usual plethora of insane speedruns.


    Ragin' Cajun

    By Linguica, in News,

    The Cajun Bot homepage has been updated for the first time in like 4 months with the news that Yoghurt has returned to the project after a long break and will return to work on it. He talks about the difficulties of coding a good CTF bot and promises that the next release will have better performance when playing with multiple bots.


    Wild Stuff

    By Linguica, in News,

    Rick Clark has posted a screenshot of the Skills Editor screen for eDTNC on his DTNC page. As he says: "I am not hard coding anything so all the different elements will be dynamic so that you can add and remove any element you like. Right now, I plan to have a separate edit screen for the skills, weapons skills, monsters, items and players. I haven't decided if I am going to make a separate file for each of these or create a "project" file that contains all of them in one file. I want to make it as flexible as I can so I am going to have to experiment."


    Crashie Crashie

    By Linguica, in News,

    Fanatic's computer decided to take a nosedive last week, causing him to have to buy a new one. Unfortunately, this means that all the QDOOM files have been lost, and he's cancelling the project. Wait, what I meant to say was that nothing was lost because he backed up his files in multiple places. Sorry.


    Smashing Baby!

    By Linguica, in News,

    The deathmatch mod SmashDM has relocated to NightFang's new domain at Truelights.com which also is hosting Thrust as well as his other personal endeavours. Update those bookmarks...


    HACX News

    By Linguica, in News,

    Nostromo has updated the HACX news page with news about The Great HACX Bandwidth Fiasco, saying that $60 of his ISP's bill has already been paid off. Nice to see that Doomers aren't all tight-fisted bastards :)

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