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  • Linguica

    Bake Me A Baker

    By Linguica, in News,

    Nick Baker has updated his Haunt with word on the recent release of execution as well as some stuff about the whole Ola-texture mess we all remember from a few days ago. He's also been making some new textures to replace the offending ones.


    The Ricster

    By Linguica, in News,

    The Place of Ricrob has been updated with a bunch of unreleased, never-before-seen maps from Dario and Milo Casali, famed authors of The Plutonia Experiment. There's some DM maps, some SP maps, and the famed "Punisher 2" level. Good stuff.


    1337 H4CX0R

    By Linguica, in News,

    I figured I wouldn't mention it until it happened, but people seem to want to know early: Nostromo sent word that he will be opening the Official Hacx Website on Sunday 3/26/00 at 8:00pm Pacific time. The full version of Hacx will be available for download at that time. w00p!


    Who Ya Gonna Call

    By Linguica, in News,

    I see that Ghostbusters Doom 2 has updated with some info about the TC, including the fact that the last month has been spent updating existing levels with support for new Dehacked features. He's also finished the "zombie" enemy which you can blow the arms off of (whoopee), and asks if he should replace the Neutrona Blaster with a shotgun (seems kind of out of character).


    The End Complete

    By covaro, in News,

    Over at our friendly neighborhood Telenation site, Raven Games, there is a Heretic level set nearing completion that needs beta-testers. For complete info on the project, visit The End Complete webpage. All he is really asking for is that you are dedicated and actually help him squash some nasty bugs and fix playability issues.


    Gouge Out Your Eyes...

    By covaro, in News,

    Might as well keep with the theme, even if I have used that before. SkullTag may be released to a computer near you in the near future! BOYA! And Carnevil might even release some screenies even sooner. About time if you I do say so myself. Check it biznatch.

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