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  • Mordeth


    By Mordeth, in News,

    Ptter Zhou has released a beta of his Win32 level editor DIE, which you can pick up at this site:
    There you have it. Why not give it a try?



    By Mordeth, in News,

    Julian Aubourg has updated the rorDoom site about email changes and current progress on rorBSP. After work on rorBSP has been completed he'll put up a WAD section where you can download levels for this 3D sector-on-top-of-sector source port, including one where the player falls down a hole in the floor into a lower room. Of course, the port is still in its alpha stage and won't be glitch-free until possibly this summer.


    Resurrection News

    By Linguica, in News,

    Doom Resurrection has updated with the news that the partial conversion has switched over to the Skulltag engine. Mike Tawney is also looking for some help with weapon graphics.


    The Wolfman

    By Linguica, in News,

    Sure, I know it's not Doom, but it's ol and what the hell. The WolfGL homepage has been updated with a new version of the OpenGL port of that terribly old game. There are some new features in the port, but the author seems to have forgotten them (oh well).


    The Wildman

    By Linguica, in News,

    Rick Clark has posted a new tutorial on his ZDoom Technical Reference page detailing how to use ACS to create the effect of filling an empty basin with liquid.


    Bgap666 Is Masturb18

    By Linguica, in News,

    That was a Doomnation headline, I feel all dirty now. To celebrate his 18th birthday, Bgap666 has released some old levels of his which he made oh so many years ago. If you'd like a reason to laugh at Bgap666, these levels might give you a damned good reason, if they suck as much as he intimates they do.



    By Linguica, in News,

    Teppic has posted a few pictures of the Doom Legacy sniper rifle he's been working on over on his homepage. I must say that it actually looks like a sniper rifle scope would, too...


    El Fanatico

    By Linguica, in News,

    Fanatic has updated his page once again after a short break with the news that QDOOM work continues (what else did you expect) with E3M2 expected to be done soon, not to mention a QDOOM preview AVI.

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