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  • Mordeth


    By Mordeth, in News,

    The Torture web site has been revised to make it compatible with Netscape. Here you can find info, screenshots and even two demos of this Doom2 project.
    While not really Doom-related, fellow Telenation site Some Old Games has redesigned and asked for a small plug. SOG is a successor to the 'Generations' Quake2 mod that got cancelled a while back because of copyright infringements. SOG therefore seems to take a different approach judging from the available screenshots of models and levels, and has in fact grown into a mod in its own right. And yes, they are taking new members. A public demo should become available this month.
    When you think you have seen it all, Team Unleashed sends word of their Anti-Microsoft Doom project. It's meant to be a deathmatch project and they're looking for more people to join up.



    By Mordeth, in News,

    Rick Clark has created a page for his wHeretic project Dark Keep. It features two preliminary screenshots, and he is planning on two more levels.
    SailorScout has revised and released his 'Containment Area' level, which fixes some texture flaws and resolves the 'hidden room' argument (whatever that is, heh).


    Gauntlet Cancelled

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Rick Clark cancelled his 'Gauntlet: Doomed' project, "due to some unfounded ideas by some folks". He will concentrate on his other projects instead, and promises to count to ten before starting another one.


    Linux glHeretic Released

    By Mordeth, in News,

    After the release of the source code to Michaël Ryssen's glHeretic Win32 port earlier today, Andre Werthmann has in turn released binaries and source to his Linux glHeretic port. You can get the precompiled RPM / SRPM binaries there, but we have mirrored the source at our source port section as usual.



    By Mordeth, in News,

    We received word from 'Birdman' that he has released a 32-level ZDoom deathmatch TC called Boomtown, featuring 3D bridges, deep water / swimming and scrolling skies. There are lots of screenshots available at the site, if you need some convincing.


    glHeretic Source Released

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Michaël Ryssen has released the source to his OpenGL Win32 port glHeretic v1.0. It compiles under MSVC v4+ / MIDAS and can be used for non-commercial projects provided credit is given. The source has been mirrored at our source port section as well.
    This also means that Andre Werthmann's Linux glHeretic port will be released shortly, according to its author.



    By Linguica, in News,

    The war still rages on whether or not the revenant does in fact wears pants... to address another mystery of Doom, is the Doomguy right-handed or left-handed? Evidence for his being a righty include the Doom title screen, the shotgun, and the plasma rifle, while southpaw evidence includes the Doom 2 tital screen, the fist, the pistol, and the super shotgun, which the Doomguy appears to fire with two left hands (?!?).


    Tag That Skull

    By Linguica, in News,

    Skulltag has updated with the news that Carnevil is looking into creating a Doom 2 "point release" of sorts. "What?" you say. "How dare he presume to declare his project a Doom 2 point release!" Good point, but Carnevil is looking for 10 deathmatch maps to become the sort of "standard" level set for people to use, sort of like DM1-DM6 in Quake and Q2DM1-Q2DM8 in Quake 2. Right now, the only id-created deathmatch-only level for Doom that I know of is American McGee's idmap01.



    By Mordeth, in News,

    Justin Nagy sent word that he and his team 'Asphix' is working on a 7-level ZDoom add-on called Beyond 2000. A demo will be released soon but they need more designers. A few screenshots of other levels are also available.
    Jonathan Croce has put up a website and "would like some visitors". The place is still a bit under construction but will feature download links for his levels as well as some screenshots in the near future.


    Gauntlet: Doomed

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Rick Clark sent word that he has the gold system working in his Gauntlet: Doomed project, which is inspired by the 'Gauntlet: Legend' arcade/N64 game. Gold is needed to upgrade your weapons and for healing. However, he needs a sprite of a gold pick-up item and is asking for contributions.

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