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  • Mordeth


    By Mordeth, in News,

    The naming contest for DeeP has been won by Justin Goodman with his entry "DeePsea". There's also word that a new version of this Win32 level editor can be expected within a week containing several new features and enhancements.


    Doomed: Gauntlet

    By covaro, in News,

    Ok, so it's backwards. But hey, I thought it looked kinda cool. Anyway, Wildman, the ever present mapping mad man, has begun a new little project. What is it, well it's based off the hit Arcade and N64/PSX game, Gaunlet: Legends. This should be interesting, cause I know my level 99 Valkerie is about as badass as they come. The most interesting part of them all though, is that all the levels will be done initially by SLIGE!


    Cover Me Up

    By covaro, in News,

    Your mission, kill the bad guys. Your guise: Black-Ops. Ok, so that you understand, Covert-Ops has been updated. Wow... I'm so witty. And I must say the update is looooong. So I'll summarize. Sounds, graphics, playing, all that goodness. Go read you lazy bastard.


    QDoom AVI

    By covaro, in News,

    Quoth the Covaro:[an error occurred while processing this directive]Go now to see QDOOM's E3M1 super 3D elevator!!![an error occurred while processing this directive]That would be here.


    Linux glHeretic Completed

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Andre Werthmann updated his site with word that he has completed his port of Michaƫl Ryssen's glHeretic to Linux. There are four screenshots available, but the port itself does not seem to be available yet... I've emailed the author for a clarification on this.


    Mellow Land Productions

    By covaro, in News,

    Da Captain... sorry, can't think of a good captain type thing atm. It's late. Anyways, Da Captain has update his little world (ok ok... land. I was feeling generous) with a few items. Ok, well alot... well some. Oh pooo... mostly it is a place for him to show his pictures and stuff like that. In other words: art type site. Go drool, then spooge. Then go wipe up after yourself.


    Eternity Shmeternity

    By Linguica, in News,

    Team Eternity is celebrating its third anniversary with a "Blast from the Past" webpage which details the creation and history of the Eternity total conversion, including some old graphics and levels.

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