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  • Mordeth
    Robin McLeod sent word that he has released a new version of his Win32 Heretic port wHeretic. Among the new features are:
    Problem with the new sound engine is that 486 users won't get a decent framerate. He might look for an alternative if enough people are interested in running wHeretic on those systems. There's also a diagram showing a fill rate comparison at different resolutions and word on MMX options.
    As usual, you can download this new version from our source port section.



    By Mordeth, in News,

    Fanatic has been keeping busy with QDoom. Seems he has created a "cool" construction in one of the levels he won't reveal just yet. For some reason he deems it necessary to say it's "nothing phallic". Weirdness.
    At the (Z)DoomGL site a new lights.ini file has been made available. Documentation is a bit, euh, sparse on this, so you will just have to try this out to see a difference.
    Covert Operations has been updated with some descriptions of some new levels they've been working on, as well as the news that co-op compatibility will be implemented shortly.


    JHexen Delay

    By Mordeth, in News,

    At the JHexen site there's word that the next version of this OpenGL Hexen port will be delayed. For amends he has put a screenshot showing off the new fully-customisable lens flares in action. Whoop! While you're there, visit our friends at Raven-Games for more Heretic and Hexen stuff.



    By Linguica, in News,

    Just to clarify yet again, if you want to complain about the lack of any word of a winner in the Doomworld Christmas contest, direct your questions/threats to Covaro, as he's the one running it. And, um... anyone play any good WADs lately?


    E1M1 Remix

    By Linguica, in News,

    Matt Williams sent word that over at the OverClocked.org Remix Page, there's a MP3 remix of the infamous E1M1 music, and is described that it "please any KMFDM fans in the crowd."


    Speed Doomin'

    By Linguica, in News,

    The Speed Demons page has been redesigned, and more importantly, a new screenshot has been posted of a beat-up car with a sergeant riding shotgun, quite literally.



    By Linguica, in News,

    Fraggle Rock has been updated with some news regarding the upcoming release of the latest version of SMMU. Among the new features to be added are a file selector, FraggleScript music functions, and lots of bug fixes.



    By Linguica, in News,

    The Deathmatch Experience has another story posted about that wonder experience which is the deathmatch. And all you people reading this, submit your own stories, I know you all have one dammit.

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