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  • Mordeth

    Doom Arena

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Recently we received a WAD file from Jason Sloan by email with the request to make it available here. Of course, we are not a second CDROM.COM so we won't do that, and asked him to put up a website instead. Well, he's done just that. At the Doom Arena site you can find a first map and well as info on this work-in-progress based on this guy's Q3:A experiences.


    Still 99

    By covaro, in News,

    Well in some circles it is. Over at the 99 homepage there is a small update. Hardly noticable to the uninitiated. What is it? Well new player graphics, simply put by Mattrim as "sweet". Download them and try them out for yourself.


    ACE Team Interviewed

    By covaro, in News,

    Over at IcarusWeb, there is a quaint little interview with the guys from the kickass ACE Team. Who is the ACE Team you ask? Where the hell have you been???? Ever heard of Batman Doom? No? Why not... it was one of the most praised TCs (if not the most) of 1999. Go take a gander at the interview. And while you are at it, why not check out all the rest that the IcarusWeb has to offer.


    Small Plug

    By covaro, in News,

    We've been getting some emails recently about where to obtain some old, and rare wads. And I figured I'd take some time to mention probably the first resource anyone should check out. Ricrob's Place! His lists are possibly the best ever created. Some of the wads he has on the lists are no longer available anywhere else that is widely known. I'm not going to say no where else, cause the internet is so huge you never know. But want a wad... check Ricrob's page.


    Pullen Ahead

    By covaro, in News,

    Clever! So very clever. Anyway, Marc has updated (you seem oddly surprised). About what you ask... well QDoom goodness and EDGE. I must say, the whole EDGE thing sounds very interesting. Now they just need to hurry up and get it done so I can play QDoom and Covert Ops. I mean, I gotta play Covert Ops. I've been pushing for that ever since I played Twilight Warrior. Grrr... /me feels Edgy!


    Save The Wolf

    By Guest, in News,

    Yeah, I'm back. Anyway, a bit of good news for you retro-gaming loyalists in the id vernacular, courtesy of IGN. A new Wolfenstein game has been confirmed and will be published by Activision. The game, which will be running on the Quake III engine, will be developed by the creative minds behind Kingpin. Grab the info from IGNPC at this URL.


    Doom 3057 Update

    By covaro, in News,

    The Doom 3057 Homepage has been updated with some new pics of their upcoming demo, which we should all be treated to in a little less than a month. Go take a gander at this ZDoom only wad. Why not leave your impressions of it on our little message board like thingy.


    He Lives

    By Linguica, in News,

    Covaro (you remember him, right?) has updated his webpage with an explanation of where he's been all these long months. Will you people stop emailing me about the Doomworld Christmas contest already now...

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