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  • Linguica


    By Linguica, in News,

    The Asylem of Team Kill has been updated with the results of their poll which allowed the public to vote for which TC they'd like to see Team Kill do next after ROD. Unfortunately none of the votes mean anything as they have their own ideas :)


    Handrail Tutorial

    By Linguica, in News,

    For the editing-impaired, Andre Majorel has posted up a small tutorial on making better handrails, with a sample WAD to boot. Short railing that is impossible to get over in any way has always bugged me and this tutorial shows how to circumvent that quite nicely.



    By Linguica, in News,

    October 10... does that date sound familiar? If not, it ought to, as it's probably the reason you're here: exactly six years ago today, id Software unleashed Doom 2 unto the world. That's six years of mancubus-killing, Icon-of-Sinning, super-shotgunning action. SIX WHOLE FREAKING YEARS. And just think about everything which has happened in that time...


    Recess Time

    By Linguica, in News,

    The Doomer's Recess has been updated with a review by "2001 A DooM Oddyssey" member Mr. Richie Gay, who looks at "Outahere" by Z. Ozwell. Also, he's looking for a program to turn a Final Doom map into a Doom 2 map, which would just be a texture conversion or so I would think.


    ZDoom News

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Randy Heit has updated the ZDoom site with a small progress report. Due to the fact that the existing rendering problems in the original Doom engine became too apparant when using slopes, he has been forced to overhaul this part of the engine to use "more traditional 3D techniques". This is still a work in progress.



    By Linguica, in News,

    Fanatic's Asylum has a big update about ROKS for EDGE, which sounds like it'll be a little fancier than Fanatic originally said, with 3D floors and colored water. However, he'll probably hold off until the release of EDGE 1.25 sometime in the next 2 months before releasing the ROKS update. Also, his Delicate Balance CD is all done and ready to go.


    WadC 1.0 Released

    By Linguica, in News,

    Aardappel sent word that version 1.0 of his WadC coding language for making Doom maps (yes, I know it sounds weird, but anyways). Here's a big long list of new features since the last beta release:
    What are you waiting for? Get coding!



    By Mordeth, in News,

    Another bag full of mail and other stuff, enough to make even Santa jealous!
    Sgt. Crispy has uploaded several of Rick Clark's ZDoom tutorials to his site in downloadable form. Derek sent word about more GoldenEye Doom2 progress. This ZDoom conversion now also features an Egyptian temple level. The author is also working on incorporating mission objectives and cameras into the levels. The layout of the review site Doomer's Recess has been slightly redesigned again. Opulent's site has been updated with a new 'featured wad' (this time, 'Classic7' by Jan van der Veken and Anthony Soto) and more demo goodies: 'Hell Revealed II' demos by Chris Ratcliff and others. More screenshots have been posted at the DoomArena site. Colin Phipps, over at the LxDoom site, points out that people ought to be downloading the new PrBoom instead of his 'old' LxDoom port. LxDoom recently merged with LsdlDoom and PrBoom; the new release is available as PrBoom, in both Windows and Linux flavor. Tasty!


    Vavoom Blurb

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Wondered why there hasn't been news from the Vavoom front recently? Apparantly author Janis Legzdinsh has just come home from an extended stay in the hospital (...eek!). Glad to see he's up and about again! We can expect a new beta version of this client/server Doom / Heretic / Hexen source port sometime "next week".

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