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  • Linguica

    BFG Lamers

    By Linguica, in News,

    Got an email from someone about the Doomers' Association For Banning BFG And Llamahs Like Zokum. It apparently "contains a list of know BFG users and a list of known people with skills who doesn't have to resort to BFG9000." It's a little tongue in cheeck but pretty funny. Heh.

    Jamie Robertson sent word that his soundtrack for the hopefully-coming-soon Doom Millennium partial conversion The Last Sunset has been finished and released. You can download some sample tracks over at the official page for it, or you can buy the actual CD here.


    Random Ports

    By Linguica, in News,

    I found links for a couple of Doom ports to "unconventional" platforms today... first off, there's Doom for Internet C++, which is a port to what apparently is a "universal" version of C++ which will run on any platform supporting it (of course, any program will run on any platform which supports it, but whatever). And then there's a new Doom for BeOS port as well, without much more info about it available on the homepage.


    Episode Oneage

    By Linguica, in News,

    Brad Spencer has updated his Episode 1 Clones page with 2 more "unknown" wads: The Abandoned Base by Pablo Diccter and Lost Refinery by Jason Root. He also mentions that he want some help finding Episode 1-ish WADs.


    A Shifting Of Balance

    By covaro, in News,

    Marc Pullen has updated his Asylum of madness and insanity with news on his latest effort "Delicate Balance". Word on the intelligence (or lack there of) of the duping place seems good. Nothing majorly wrong with the CD, so look for it within the next two weeks or so. Marc also takes some time to mention his career as well as something about updating some of his previous work to be compatible with EDGE 1.25.


    New Skulltag

    By Linguica, in News,

    Carnevil sent word that the Skulltag homepage has been updated with beta 8.1 of the ZDoom-based multiplayer mod. What's new, you ask?
    It's not without its bugs, as Carnevil says: "Try to refrain from using the menus for now for creating/joining multiplayer games. Just use the '-host' and '-connect (ip)' commands at the prompt and you should be fine. Using the menus seems be creating this weird lag problem for now... ugh. It will be fixed."


    Near Orbit

    By Linguica, in News,

    Orbit Interactive has been updated after their recent move to NewDoom with the news that they are still looking for guys who will create levels for the resource WAD of Back to Hell. Also, they have a new member in their Perforated Entrails page who is creating skies for them. Also, there are new pics in the screenshots area of their latest level called "The Glacier Outpost."



    By Linguica, in News,

    Frederik's Doom Page has been updated has been updated with the news than PAIN has a new team member, and of course there's a lot of t high-resolution screenshots of both PAIN and his own level Vrack.


    Unholy Crap

    By Linguica, in News,

    Unholy Software has been updated about all sorts of things, including Skulltag, a progress report on the NimRoD project, and some raving over the 3D floors which its Doom Legacy port includes.

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