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  • AndrewB

    The RTC Corporation

    By AndrewB, in News,

    The dam is about to burst at the RTCDooM site, where news has been backing up for the past few days! In the recent news of which we\'ve neglected to mention, two new members have hopped on to the RTC team! Some work has been done on the storyline, and the design of their site has been improved somewhat. As well, a new WAD has been released, entitled Digi-MortalBeta. Three DOOM-style maps, or so they say. Go see!


    On A Wim

    By Linguica, in News,

    I need some new headlines for this guy, post any ideas you have in the comments. Anyways, Wim Vanrie's Doom Page has been updated with the second mini-contest assignment. Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to make a skill 2 movie as far as possible. As soon as someone reaches map 30, the quickest movie completing the WAD wins. You only have until November 7, so get cracking...


    Skulltag Follow-up

    By covaro, in News,

    After the recent release of the newest beta version of Skulltag, the Skulltag Homepage has been updated with the thoughts of Carnevil on everyone\'s reaction to the latest version. Not to mention he actually got off his butt and updated his Bawx. This is definitely an excellent update to show the overall state of the project and most certainly points in a totally positive direction.


    Under The Influence

    By AndrewB, in News,

    Gamespot has released a new feature, entitled the 15 Most Influential Games Of All Time. Strangely enough, all of the top fifteen are PC games, but I guess that's just the way it worked out. Dig through the articles of each game mentioned. See your grin get smaller and smaller as you trudge through the mess, thinking "When will they ever get to DOOM?"... Well, if you ever do find something DOOM-related in it, let us know, so we may all have intelligent and insightful discussion about it. Now go read!


    Sounds Fishy

    By Linguica, in News,

    Swedish Fish's Doom Site has been updated with exclusive screenshots from Richard Wiles upcoming "Slayer" series and news regarding the future of the classic wad series.



    By Linguica, in News,

    The Asylem of Team Kill have some wacky new screenshots from Kill (E2M5, E3M1, and E4M8). They've also uploaded a MIDI file which contains their Technoish Remix of E2M6 ("Sinister").



    By Linguica, in News,

    Our very own Metabolist has updated his shrine with his first five WAD reviews, looking at Odessa14, Darkstar, Deus Ex Wasabi, Atomic Tomb, and Doom City.


    I Challenge You

    By Linguica, in News,

    Russell sent word that Duellist.net's Doom Page has posted two new levels along with a bunch of screenshots. As he says, "Close Kill" is a deathmatch level suitable for 2 to 6 players. "Tunnel Run" is a one player level (which also supports co-op and dm).


    The /newstuff Chronicles #13

    By AndrewB, in News,

    We bring you nineteen downloadables in our weekly review of the newly-released DOOM-related WADs found in Newstuff!
    Demon Sanctuary by Samuel A. Villarreal - This is a challenging, and well-designed single-player map for Doom 2. It has a few texture and sound replacements, as well as a good music replacement. It has some nice underwater effects, and a few other things. To play it, you\'ll need TeamTNT\'s Return Resources. Requires BOOM. Blastem2 by Russell Pearson - Another challenging map for Doom 2. This level combines a theme of wide open outdoor areas, space base walkways, and indoor stone tunnels. While the map design is mostly linear, the music from E1M4 makes the level seem a little more enjoyable. Good for a challenge! Lost Refinery by Jason Root - A single map for DOOM, this time on E1M3. This level feels a lot like the waste pits of DOOM\'s Toxin Refinery. Although, this time it\'s a lot larger, with many, many enemies. Detail is a little lax, but the wide open areas are nicely enough done. Seems best suited for a cooperative challenge. Only The Strong by Sascha Müller - It looks like we\'re really into hard quality this week! Which is just what this level is. Great quality, great challenge. Lots of enemies. Ammo and health balance is very good. There\'s a few good texture replacements as well. The dark castle courtyard atmosphere is very distinct as well. Worth the download! The Evil Place by Kurt Kesler - Another masterpiece by the former speeddemon-mapmaker! This seems to be his usual theme. Space bases, ambient sound... Lava, lots of outdoor areas... 3D bridges. All equaling a very, very large map! Good for single player, or cooperative play. Requires ZDoom. Terrere1 by Wim Vanrie - Yet another large, difficult map. This one for Doom 2. Great detail in this map. Lots of monsters. Ammo balance is pretty good. A great-looking map, with lots of detail. But don\'t feel bad if you can\'t get anywhere on skill 4. This one is a doozy! Requires BOOM. Base 67 by Sami Mäki-Mantila - We\'re not being stingy on the quality this week, are we? Superb, simply superb. This BOOM/ZDoom/Legacy map is of the finest quality. Superb light work, quality monster placement, and respectable ammo balance. The dark concrete/brick military base theme is outstanding. Simply one of the finest levels we\'ve seen in a long time. Doom Must Fall (Single Player Version) by Sparky - This seems to be an updated version of a one-level TC for Ultimate DOOM. All of the main DOOM monsters have been replaced. As have the weapons and most of the textures. The quality of the level design is unknown. Meaning: I can\'t get the thing to work. Worth a download, if you\'re into short total conversions. Enhanced DOOM port recommended. Hell In The University by Sparky - An unauthorized updated version of a DOOM modification made by some university students a few years back. It has some amusing sounds, and some modified sprites, as well as a nice music replacement. Overall, it doesn\'t seem all that special. Not bad, though. Enhanced DOOM port recommended. DungeonX by Richard J. Sham - A fairly large level for Doom 2. It has some new sounds, and a good music replacement I might add. Because it is rather large, detail lacks throughout most of the level. Textures seem to be unimaginatively placed. Nothing very special. VillaMex by Richard J. Sham - Another large Doom 2 level with a good music replacement, and fairly nice level design; at first... It starts out looking very nice, but then seems to drop into a vague, undefined, undetailed maze. Again, nothing very special. Yourdead by Richard J. Sham - Yet another large, undetailed level. An interesting note is that very few of the linedefs in these levels are at a non-90° angle. That\'s right, mostly square. Oh yes, and another decent music replacement. I guess there isn\'t much more to be said. Nexus 6 by Prower - A standard single-player map for Doom 2. It claims to be much better than the recently-released Deus Ex Wasabi. If you\'re asking for my opinion, I would very much disagree. It\'s much smaller, and the design is much more basic. The only thing better about it, I suppose would be the higher monster count. Well, judge for yourself. Enhanced DOOM port recommended. Fire Fight by Rick Clark - Here\'s something interesting! A monster and item generator for Doom 2. Press the switch, a random monster appears, along with an item, if you\'re lucky enough. But watch out! Get one of those revenants with their homing missiles, and goodbye body count! Requires ZDoom. Music Replacement by Chris Laverdure - Nothing more than an almost-decent music replacement for DOOM, episode 1. No, a source port is not required, and no, the music isn\'t spectacular. Alxdeth IV by Alex Nichols - A short combo for Doom 2, with a few treats. One short level, a few amusing new sounds, and a music replacement. The introduction picture is replaced, and there\'s a few demos to compliment it all. That\'s about it! The Titan Anomaly by Jim Flynn - We have an alien space-base-theme level for Doom 2! This one looks a little boring, though. The sky is nice, but the rest of the level seems thrown together, and a little ugly. Nothing very special. Bdsdoom2 - This seems to be a decent five-level WAD for Doom 2, running on maps three to seven. The first couple of levels seem decent enough, although they trail off a tad after that. Still, detail is a little low, and the ammo balance seems a little too lax. Again, nothing special. Blazin\' by Sparky - Yet another version B update of a previously-released WAD. This time, a 20-level megawad for Doom 2, with reekingly atrocious level design. Nearly as basic designs and shapes as possible, the highlight of this WAD would definitely be the music replacements, with the modified sprites coming in a distant second. Enhanced DOOM port recommended.


    On A Wim

    By Linguica, in News,

    Wim Vanrie's Doom Page has been updated with the news that the mini-contest has been completed. Also, he thinks he's going to have a new competition of hi new single level, Terrere1.

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