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  • Mordeth

    DeePsea v10.11

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Some bugs had crept in DeePsea's preliminary rorDoom support, so they have released a fixed version of this Win32 generic level / wad editor. It's mirrored at our utilities section.

    Lucas Laarhoven sent word that the dutch computer e-zine Computer!Totaal announced the release of The Darkening Episode 2. O yeah baby! Who said Doom couldn't bring you fame, glory and hard cash! Euh... forget about that last one :) I've emailed the redaction for permission to post an english translation here later today.


    Doom Legacy v1.29 For Linux

    By Mordeth, in News,

    On the heels of the DOS port, the native Win32 5th 'pre-release' version of Doom Legacy v1.29 is now also available in sleek Linux glibc / libGL flavor. You can find it mirrored at our source port section as well. According to the authors "you're also able to use Open Entry and connect to DooM Legacy servers even if they use the Dos/Windows version."


    Darkening E2 Second Coming

    By covaro, in News,

    Ola has updated the Darkening page with news on the upcoming re-release of the level set. He points out the improvements and such that will be map available in the next version. Things like texture tweaking, reject maps, a new DM level and more.


    Doom Arena

    By covaro, in News,

    Doom Arena has been updated with news on a newly completed level as well as some purty screenies to go along with it. Head on over and check it out.


    El Fanatico

    By Linguica, in News,

    Fanatic has a short update saying that the EDGE engine on which QDOOM runs is looking better every day, with the coders reorganizing stuff, including a bunch of DDF functions which are much easier to understand now. Fanatic also says that he's going to get back to work on that AVI we've all been waiting for.


    Best Wishes

    By Guest, in News,

    It's been a slow news day, but you can still drop by Sgt. Crispy's to wish him a happy 21st birthday. He says he'll be spending it playing The Darknening, which is what everyone's been doing lately. Nothing else. The whole city has been barricaded. It's like The Town That Dreaded Sundown. Cheers.


    Doom In The Hall Of Fame

    By covaro, in News,

    Well according to those Gamespy type people. Not that they mean anything... I mean they only rule a few dozen planets or something. Here's the link to the page, since I know you guys don't care at all about any of those other games in the hall of fame. Thanx to SailorScout and Mike Killpack for da news.


    NetDoom Page Designs

    By covaro, in News,

    ResDe has gotten his NetDoom page a whole new look. Go take a gander at it. It's definately blue... but at least it isn't the exact same design as his other page like it was before.

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