Death Bear Posted September 6, 2022 (edited) PUSS XX: Hell Yeah! (Dev Thread) 61ish 1-Hour cl-9 Speedmaps celebrating our Second Anniversary!Release Thread Requires UMAPINFO Support; Contains MAPINFO Tested with GZDOOM and PRBOOM+2.6 Come celebrate our second anniversary, and the beginning of PUSS Series 3, with us! We have a wild set of 61-ish maps that we made Quick 'n' Dirty. Thanks to all our contributors, playtesters, and event staff! See you on idgames soon! Maplist: Spoiler Ordered chronologically by submission, with intro and credits maps by BluePineapple72. MAP01 - "HUZZAH!" - BluePineapple72 "Main Theme" from Zero Wing MAP02 - "Tiny Shore" - Heich "Coral Cape" from Ape Escape MAP03 - "Devil's Playground" - Man_With_Gun "Apostate" from The Binding of Isaac MAP04 - "Double Doom Dragon" - Philnemba "Battletoads and Double Dragon - Level 1 (Tromocide Remix)" by Lorenzo Parker MAP05 - "Many Happy Returns" - Peccatum Mihzamiz "Lang zal ze leven" MAP06 - "The Flammable Man" - Myolden "Mandalia Plains" from Final Fantasy Tactics MAP07 - "Distant Memory" - Muumi "Dt2" by Muddy MAP08 - "First Sparks of Love" - Muumi "Dreempipes planet theme" from Jazz Jackrabbit 1 MAP09 - "Doomguy's Peaceful, Relaxing Trip to the Beach" - finnks13 "Goin' Down the Fast Way" from Rise of the Triad MAP10 - "The Room" - memeboi MAP11 - "Izimiolibiz Buirizindiz" - Peccatum Mihzamiz "Stage 13: Apartment Building Climb" from "Yo! Noid" (NES game) MAP12 - "Cyber Ruination" - Ravendesk "Road to Ruin" from Crash Bandicoot 2 MAP13 - "Puddle of Sacrifice" - Death Bear "You Ain't the Boss o' Me" by James Paddock MAP14 - "Totally Easy" - notTyrone "Time to be on Fire" by James Paddock MAP15 - "Ghostgrinder" - Death Bear "Ghostgrinder" by James Paddock MAP16 - "Messy Annoyance" - CyberosLeopard "Demon Dance" by Dial-Up for Murder MAP17 - "I say, quite a collection you have, Mister!" - Savarin "Minuetto" by Luigi Boccherini MAP18 - "The Mucus Flop" - Danlex "The Mucus Flow" by B.P.R.D. MAP19 - "Crushing Bones and Scrolling Floors" - Luleta "Baron's Province" by James Paddock MAP20 - "Skulls 'n' Blades" - MFG38 "Tower of Souls" from ActRaiser 2 (Sequenced by aero on MAP21 - "Wooo Weee I Feel Just Like Buddy Holly" - thatonespymain "Buddy Holly" by Weezer MAP22 - "Lost Substation" - DFF "Blood 5" from Blood MAP23 - "L'Abito della Sposa" - Thelokk "Not Tomorrow" by Akira Yamaoka from Silent Hill MAP24 - "Jonas and Baron von Imp Wedding" - thatonespymain "My Name is Jonas" by Weezer MAP25 - "What Ancient Aliens Does to a MF" - Walter Confetti "Kaitou" from Tifa Tan X MAP26 - "Puss Anomaly" - Mememind "Escaping the Darkness" by Myrgharok MAP27 - "They Don't Count" - Luleta "The Demons from Adrian's Pen" by Bobby Prince MAP28 - "Stroke City" - Savarin "Options Menu" from Sonic Spinball MAP29 - "Bone Base" - Lineman "The Triangle Rises" by Paul Corfiatis MAP30 - "Moonder" - Lineman "Racharacharach" by Ribbiks, edited by Lineman MAP31 - "A Minor Accident" - Silhouette 03 "Basement" by Stuart Rynn MAP32 - "Reading in the Dark" - Silhouette 03 "Watching You" by James Paddock MAP33 - "When the Nates First Levered" - Muumi "Fission Dance" by AD_79 MAP34 - "Nanoman 2.0" - Walter Confetti "Voivod" from Nanoman MAP35 - "GOATMAN 3D" - Luleta PACMAN.mid from Wolfenstein 3D MAP36 - "Conducive Opposition" - TheV1perK1ller "Conductor" by James Paddock MAP37 - "Miniscule Cavern" - Heich "Sturm's Theme" from Advance Wars MAP38 - "Always a Bigger Fish" - Ravendesk "The Hungry Ones" from Ecco: The Tides of Time MAP39 - "And Then He Returned" - Savarin "And Then, To Coda" from Soaltorobo: Red the Hunter MAP40 - "Uh oh! You found the toothpaste!?" - Luleta "Starlight Zone" from Sonic the Hedgehog MAP41 - "March of the Hordes" - Late Night Person "Plasma" from Duke Nukem 3D MAP42 - "This sewer is a sealed tuna sandwich" - thatonespymain "Uncle Meat" by Frank Zappa MAP43 - "Vulcanico" - Savarin "Boss" - Plok MAP44 - "ugly ships" - Luleta "Gang Plank Galleon" from Donkey Kong Country MAP45 - "Chicanery!" - Weird Sandwich "Winner Takes It All" by ABBA MAP46 - "Slough of Extra-Potent Despair" - horeselessheadsman "Donna to the Rescue" by Bobby Prince MAP47 - "Hell Can Be Mean" - Pegleg "The Pyramid" by Petter "Thyrbse" Mårtensen MAP48 - "Pond of Despond" - Death Bear "Going to Hell" by The Pretty Reckless MAP49 - "Lair of the Father of Bones" - Death Bear "Praetorian" by Psyrus MAP50 - "Copypasta Factory" - Muumi "A Chrome Hoof In Your Face" by Muddy MAP51 - "Ripped" - Death Bear "Cave Dwellers" by Tristan Clark MAP52 - "Torn" - Death Bear "Thanatos" by Tristan Clark MAP53 - "Fires of the Vilified" - Death Bear "The Eternal Emptiness" by Myrgharok MAP54 - "The Great Dying" - RedBoule "Reginald" by Stuart Rynn MAP55 - "Philxima" - Peccatum Mihzamiz "SA-X Arrival theme" from Metroid Fusion MAP56 - "Shuffling from Evil" - Death Bear "Hit the Overdrive" by James Paddock MAP57 - "Undersmolls" - Muumi "Arrival" by AD_79 MAP58 - "The Final PUSS Town" - Savarin "The Final Countdown" by Europe MAP59 - "SQRT2 It" - Lineman "Run Like Smeg" by Lee Jackson MAP60 - "Better Nate than Lever III: Are You My Muumi?" - BluePineapple72 "Naked Gun" Theme MAP61 - "Rapidly and in an Unclean Manner" - BluePinepple72 "Escape" by Rupert Holmes Secret Maps Spoiler MAP62 - "Away in a Mangle" - Peccatum Mihzamiz "12 Days of Christmas" from Doomxmus (Accessed from MAP15) MAP63 - "Clandestine Castle Hassle" - Death Bear "Mystified" by Tristan Clark (Accessed from MAP62's secret exit) Original Post: Spoiler Hello, everyone! Hell Yeah! It’s that time of the year again! Welcome to Hell Yeah, PUSS’s 2nd Anniversary Under the Sea, and the beginning of PUSS Series III! On September 9th, 2020, our Bluest of Pineapples opened a dropbox on his discord server for mappers to share 1-hour speedmaps, with the plan of continuing the series the next month. So, here we are...2 years later! PUSS XX!!! My, how we’ve grown! This last year, we’ve been scared silly, fought our way through the depths of hell, celebrated Doommas time with a bunch of boney friends, explored Mayan Temples in search of Knightguy’s tomb, braved the Arcade, sped our way through Pandemonium, got Rowdy against the Speeddemons again, and pillaged and plundered our way through a whole lot of maps! How many, you ask? I’ll get back to you on that. *wink* But I will say, last year's anniversary totaled over 50 maps, and TH1RT3EN trailed close behind. We know how to put out! (Maps. I mean Maps. Chill out.) We’ve also started seeing major completions from our Series I backlog, with the release of Speed Squared and Summer of Slaughter. We’ve still got more work to do, but we’re going to map some more along the way. And lastly, we’ve seen some other amazing mappers take the helm of PUSS events as project leads, including Trick and Tear 2, TH1RT3EN, Pac-Man Doom, Pandemonium Speed Weeks, and Dead Mappers Tell No Tales! Shoutout to my fellow project leads @Peccatum Mihzamiz and @Steve88! We've also welcomed back veterans to the series time and again, and saw some new recruits become regulars, as well! Without all of you, PUSS wouldn't be what it is today, and I know we're all grateful for your participation! This year, I will be co-leading this event with @BluePineapple72, as we celebrate all the amazing work that we’ve seen this year! How better to celebrate than by mapping some more! And now for the main event! Are ya ready, kids?! Grab some scuba gear, take one last sip of your Piña Colada, and wash your hands in some Hot Soapy Water! HERE. WE. GO. - BOOM-compatible (Boom in Doom 2 or Doom in Doom 2, CL-9 for testing) - 1-Hour mapping limit- 1000 Monster Hard Limit - No jumping or crouching - Custom Skies and Midis Mandatory YOU MUST USE AT LEAST 2 OF THE FOLLOWING GIMMICKS: Beach Map (Anniversary Under the Sea) No Hitscan Map (Trick and Tear 2) 13 Monsters (TH1RT3EN) Hellish Setting (TH1RT3EN) A Bone Closet in a Trick Door (12 More Days of Doommas) Something Doomcute (12 More Days of Doommas) 6 Secrets (Mysterious Mayan Madness) Maze with a silent teleport at each end (PAC-MAN DOOM) Another id level remake (Pandemonium Speed Weeks) 2 Boss Battles (Pandemonium Speed Weeks, but 2 for the second anniversary) A Pirate Ship or Boat (Dead Mappers Tell No Tales) A Bunch of Crushers (TH1RT3EN, Pandemonium Speed Weeks, Mysterious Mayan Madness) Map Inspired by its music selection (Musical Mapping) A Skullgate that requires the Blue Skull Key to Exit (Skulltiverse) Only Doom 1 Bestiary and No Super Shotgun (Solar Struggle, TH1RT3EN) “Reality” map, where you can die in one hit (“Impaled by Anti-Christ’s Boner” by Danlex, TH1RT3EN) Amusement Park Setting (“Rudy Goes to Hell” by Muumi, Revenge of the Speeddemons) A House with multiple points on entry (“Doom Alone” by WeirdSandwich, 12 More Days of Doommas) City Full of Zombies (“Nightmare in Sandy’s City” by Death Bear, Trick and Tear 2) Scrolling Trap Floor over Damaging Liquid (“Into the Underworld” by Peccatum Mihzamiz, Mysterious Mayan Madness) Fight your way out of the inside of a monster (“The Weaver’s Dream” by Peccatum Mihzamiz, Trick and Tear 2) A Spooky Library (“Silence in the Library” by Heich, Trick and Tear 2) BONUS Remake of/ Reference to a Past PUSS mapResource Pack: Greenwar 2 Maps are due in the Discord Channel or on this thread by September 23rd at 11:59pm EST. We want to have a compilation up within the following week to start our really wicked October event promptly! Your mapping time can be nonconsecutive. Your timer will only go down when you are mapping or playtesting. Speedmaps will be under the honor rule. Neither you nor I can prove if a map went over the time limit or not, but trained eyes can see what is and is not a speedmap. If you cheat, people will notice. Any time in Slade used to give a custom sky, midi, etc. is outside of your mapping time. I would recommend spending some time looking over the texture pack before you begin mapping, so that you don’t waste time scrolling. I've included a .txt file for texture hotkeys to help you filter through all that madness. Once your time is up, if you haven’t beaten your map, please spend time to verify that your level is beatable. It is easy to get carried away to make a massive or hard level just because it's a lowkey, 1-Hour Speedmap. Let's remember that these will be playtested and we will expect that they can be BEATEN, even if it's not by everyone. 100% Kills at bare minimum. AFTER YOUR TIME LIMIT IS UP: As a general rule, I'm comfortable with you going back into your wad and picking at its bones to make sure everything is neat and tidy. Minor texture changes, bug fixing, and thing placement overhaul are fine by me. Excluding special cases, I do not want you building new rooms/sectors after you've already submitted a map to me. The time limit isn't to challenge you to make a map quickly, it's to light a fire under your ass to create something truly cool with a deadline. PUSS is still a speedmapping series, so maps won't be perfect cacoward level masterpieces, but I would still like for mappers to spend the time polishing maps they have sent to me. There is no cap to how many maps you can submit to these events. Trust me, I know. I'm the reason this rule exists. *wink* Any bug fixing/map changes are due to us once we've set a date, which will be after the completion on playtesting. For submissions, please post in this format: Map Name: [ X ] Author: [ X ] Music: [ Song + Author ] Sky: [ X ] Format: [ X ] Difficulty Settings: [ X ] Gimmicks Used: Build Time: [ X ] Comments: Put your PUSS fanfiction here. Screenshots: We only need the .wad file of your map. Compiling your submission with the resources is unnecessary for this event. Hey! Those are the last three words of the event's name. Some of you may disparage those conspiracy theorists among us for pointing and screaming that there is yet another connection. This time they're not the crazy one. The Pineapple Under the Sea is the holy womb of which our sacred PUSS spawned forth from. It's also our discord server. Whether you're new, a veteran mapper, or a legend, we welcome ALL to participate in these events to foster and grow their mapping abilities, and just plain have fun creating for this immortal game! We've got a steady team of returning mappers but are ALWAYS looking for more people to come raise hell with us! You don't even have to like pineapples, but it's highly encouraged! We're going to be doing a whole lot of fun stuff over there this month since it's the server's two-year anniversary, including some events exclusively for our discord mappers. We'll also be starting our third year! I know. I'm shocked at how chronology works too. Also, be sure to check us out on the Doom Wiki! PAST EVENTS: Skulltiverse Hellevator Hot Potato Line in the Sand Musical Mapping Solar Struggle Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping: PUSS SERIES III: PUSS XXI: (see you in October!) PUSS XX: Hell Yeah PUSS SERIES II: PUSS XIX: Dead Mappers Tell No Tales - submissions open through November PUSS XVIII: Rowdy Rudy in...Revenge of the Speeddemons - submissions open through November PUSS XVII: Pandemonium Speed Weeks - preparing for the Beta release! PUSS XVI: Pac-Man Doom - Version 1.1 out now! PUSS XV: Mysterious Mayan Madness - Now in Beta! PUSS XIV: 12 MORE Days of Doommas PUSS XIII: TH1RT3EN PUSS XII: Trick and Tear 2 PUSS XI: Anniversary Under the Sea - Compilation Out Now! PUSS SERIES I: PUSS X: The Summer of Slaughter - Release Candidates out now! PUSS IX: Mapping at Warpspeed - Beta 3 Out Now! PUSS VIII: Speed Squared - RC1 out now! PUSS VII: Rowdy Rudy in... March of the Speeddemons! PUSS VI: Imperfect Hatred PUSS V: Clandestine Castle Crashing PUSS IV: 12 Days of Doommas PUSS III: Boss Battle Bonanza PUSS II: TRICK & TEAR I PUSS I: September Under the Sea Edited January 28, 2023 by Death Bear 33 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shanoa Posted September 7, 2022 Congratulations on two years and good luck to all mappers! 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
DynamiteKaitorn Posted September 7, 2022 Map Name: Tiny ShoreAuthor: Heich AKA DynamiteKaitornMusic: Coral Cave [Ape Escape]Sky: I added some blue cloudy sky but for some reason WooF hates me... ._.Format: BooM? (Teeeeeechnically the map's vanilla). Difficulty Settings: None - all difficulties play the sameGimmicks Used: [1] Beach Map [2] 13 Monsters [3] No Hitscans [4] Referencing past PUSS maps Spoiler (The starting room is sort-of referencing my Speed Squared map and the room to the side references SOS. GL guessing what the 3rd reference is ;) ). Build Time: 43 Minutes Comments: Sailing across the calm waters, our protagonist steps onto the calm, smooth sands of this tiny shore. Screenshots: 8 Quote Share this post Link to post
MAN_WITH_GUN Posted September 7, 2022 Map Name: Devil's Playground Author: Man With a Gun Music: "Apostate" from The Binding of Isaac Sky: Some random texture i found myself a long time ago and edited it. Format: Boom complevel 9 Difficulty Settings: UV only. Gimmicks Used: - 13 Monsters - Hellish Setting - 2 Boss Battles (?) ? - If the first fight counts as a boss battle then yeah i used this gimmick. Build Time: 1 hour and 3 mins. Comments: Uh... i only got lucky test it once considering the amount of time i had, but it seems doable idk :p Screenshot: Download: Bang! 7 Quote Share this post Link to post
BluePineapple72 Posted September 7, 2022 32 minutes ago, memeboi said: Is there a deadline? September 23rd 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
CyberosLeopard Posted September 7, 2022 I was originally thinking of taking a bit of a break from Doom mapping, but as the deadline is a few weeks away and the limit is 1 hour, I might just postpone that break. Best of luck to participants! 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Peccatum Mihzamiz Posted September 7, 2022 (edited) Happy birthday PUSS! Congratulations to all of the by now over 100 people that have contributed by making maps, tinkering at resources or ACS code, testing maps, giving advice and feedback, helping fix things, make art or contribute in any other way. This is a special thing and it's great to see where it is going. Also big congratulations to all of the various other projects that have been created under the umbrella of PUSS. Many happy returns to all of you !!!!!! 🎂 Edited September 7, 2022 by Peccatum Mihzamiz 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Andromeda Posted September 8, 2022 On 9/7/2022 at 12:33 AM, Death Bear said: @Steve_88 You got the wrong Steve :P 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Death Bear Posted September 8, 2022 1 hour ago, Andromeda said: You got the wrong Steve :P Damn. I would. Sorry @Steve88! Now, since I have this thread bumped… I want to remind everyone that this is NOT JUST for returning PUSS mappers, it’s for EVERYONE! Join us in the fun! The water is fine! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Philnemba Posted September 8, 2022 Map Name: Double Doom Dragon Author: Philnemba Music: Battletoads and Double Dragon - Level 1 (Tromocide Remix) by Lorenzo Parker Sky: City sky from Newgothic Movement 1 Format: Boom complevel 9 Difficulty Settings: none and only tested on UV Gimmicks Used: -No Hitscan Map -13 Monsters Build Time: 1 hour and 12 mins including testing Comments: It's just you in a hell infested city with almost nothing but your berserk fist to do some "negotiations" with demons 😈 10 Quote Share this post Link to post
Peccatum Mihzamiz Posted September 8, 2022 Map Name: Many Happy Returns! Author: Peccatum Mihzamiz Music: "Lang zal ze leven", a traditional birthday song from The Netherlands. Sky: OSKY01b, an OTEX sky that I changed to near gray scale. I couldn't get it to work in the map because I suck at Boom texture work. So this still needs to be added to the map pack. Format: Boom, complevel 9. Difficulty Settings: Same on on all difficulties. Some Multiplayer stuff added. Gimmicks Used: - No hitscan map - Something Doomcute Build Time: 56 minutes Comments: Happy birthday folks! I had never made one of these kinds of maps so here it is. My apologies to all the UV Maxers out there. Screenshot: Many Happy Returns! by Peccatum 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
myolden Posted September 8, 2022 Map Name: The Flammable Man Author: myolden Music: Mandalia Plains from Final Fantasy Tactics Sky: Greenwar Sky 2 (It fits really well, but if need be I can dig up something else if you don't want to use any of the default greenwar skies) Format: Boom Difficulty Settings: Yes Gimmicks Used: 13 monsters, map inspired by it's music selection Build Time: 1 hour Comments: I've been wanting to make a map based on this song for a while now but never quite found the right concept. Turns out I was overthinking it. Here's a map with 13 archviles. Screenshots: Spoiler 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
muumi Posted September 8, 2022 double deal distant_memory.wad Map Name: Distant Memory Author: Muumi Music: Dt2 by Muddy Sky: HAZESKY1 from Mek box o skies Format: Boom (just for sky transfer) Difficulty Settings: none Gimmicks Used: - Something Doomcute - Only Doom 1 Bestiary and No Super Shotgun Build time: ~50 minutes Comments: This is from memory recreation of my first ever (I think) doom map. The original was made somewhere in 90's. Sadly I dont have it anymore. Screenshots: Spoiler first_sparks_of_love.wad Map Name: First Sparks of Love Author: Muumi (based on map by @DynamiteKaitorn) Music: Dreempipes planet theme from Jazz Jackrabbit 1 Sky: SKSTB 0-31 by Muumi Format: Boom Difficulty Settings: none Gimmicks Used: - Hellish Setting - A Bone Closet in a Trick Door + Remake of/ Reference to a Past PUSS map Build time: hour and few minutes for balancing Comments: Something from the Puss of the past, where it all began! Original music fits surprisingly nicely. Hopefully difficulty is good. Screenshots: Spoiler 8 Quote Share this post Link to post
finnks13 Posted September 8, 2022 I like making 1 hour speedmaps :) Map Name: Doomguy's Peaceful, Relaxing Trip to the Beach Author: finnks13 Music: Goin' Down the Fast Way from ROTT (I know it's really overused, it fits the map alright :P) Sky: Doom 1 Episode 4 sky recoloured to be red Format: Boom Difficulty Settings: Not yet Gimmicks Used: Beach Level, A Bone Closet in a Trick Door, City full of Zombies Build Time: About an hour Comments: I saw the gimmick "City full of Zombies" and decided to make something a bit silly. Features nearly 300 zombiemen ready to slowly wander around and deal 5 damage to you occasionally. Download: Screenshots: 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ravendesk Posted September 9, 2022 Holy shit speedmapping is stressful xd Just spent half an hour of super-intense mapping for this project, then took a deep breath and closed the editor. Will just do the second half tomorrow, just need to gather my thoughts before opening an editor again. Another half an hour should be just enough to finish the map :) 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
memeboi Posted September 9, 2022 (edited) Map name: The room Author: memeboi Music: Sky:CIELO, just a random image of the sky Format:Boom Difficulty settings: no Gimmicks: 13 monsters, no hitscanners Build time 39 minutes and 14 seconds Comments: the ending is kinda troll-y but the map is beatable Screenshots: Download:The room.7z Edited September 9, 2022 by memeboi 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Peccatum Mihzamiz Posted September 9, 2022 Map Name: Izimziolibiz Buirizindiz (Lingua ignota for Gospel of Fire) Author: Peccatum Mihzamiz Map slot: 24 (because I want to use RSKY3) Music: "Stage 13: Apartment Building Climb" from "Yo! Noid" (NES game). Probably composed by Masakatsu Maekawa. Sky: RSKY3 from the resource pack Format: Boom, complevel 9. Difficulty Settings: Added Gimmicks Used: - Bone closet - No hitscan Build Time: an hour and then a long while to balance and fix it. Comments: Difficult map that has a tendency to become a slog if the player is not aggressive in the beginning. Screenshot: Spoiler Izimziolibiz Buirizindiz by Peccatum 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ravendesk Posted September 9, 2022 (edited) Map Name: Cyber RuinationAuthor: Ravendesk Music: Road to Ruin from Crash Bandicoot 2. Original music composer is Josh Mancell, I believe. The midi was presumably transcribed by Logan812, I don't know who that person is, but it said so in the name of the midi where I got it. Sky: SKYND09 for outdoors area and SKYFREE3 for the hell area. Both are from 32in24-15_tex_v2 texture pack. I use sky transfers for the skies, so there are two of them. Uhhh, I don't really understand how am I supposed to add sky texture to my submission, I just added both textures inside the wad with no patch tables or texturex modifications. For testing, I just added them to the resource pack. I assumed it will be compiled afterwards by the project leads. In order to be visible in-game they should be added to patch tables and texturex. Please tell me if I was doing something wrong and I'll fix the wad. Format: Boom Difficulty Settings: Yes (but the differences are kinda eh, only more ammo cause it's a Reality map).Gimmicks Used: 1. Beach Map 2. No Hitscan Map 3. 13 Monsters 4. Hellish Setting 5. 2 Boss Battles * 6. “Reality” map, where you can die in one hit * There are two fights in the map and both should have a "boss battle" feeling to it. Not sure if I succeeded, but I was mapping with that idea in mind, so up to you to decide if that one counts or not. Build Time: 1 hour. Plus around 20 minutes for bugfixes and playtesting, but I only made minor changes, moved linedef triggers a bit in voodoo doll closets for the first fight, made some floors non-damaging (that were made so by accident), fixed some missing textures, etc, nothing significant. Comments: Uhh, I kinda made it in time, but I didn't manage to implement half of the ideas I had. The transition between the two settings was supposed to be much smoother, but oh well. Just made the bare minimum (and also didn't have time to make all the platforming I wanted so in some areas you just walk, lol - not for too long, though). The second fight is hard and a bit bs, but beatable, I have playtested it. Visuals look horrible though xd. One hour was barely enough for me to make the progression and combat, and certainly not enough to make it look good. Screenshot: Spoiler Download: Small update: I think I figured out the proper way to add custom sky textures, hopefully this is all correct now. No changes to the map itself. Edited September 12, 2022 by Ravendesk fixed adding custom sky textures 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Clippy Posted September 10, 2022 Just passing by don't mind me _ good luck on the project guys! @MAN_WITH_GUN Another amazing 1-hour job. I love the atmosphere in the opening with the sky bleeding through places and stuff. I would consider this two boss fights. Actually the first fight wrecked me pretty good. Second fight was super easy barely an inconvenience. Good Times Bye 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Death Bear Posted September 11, 2022 Map Name: Ghostgrinder Author: Death Bear Music: Ghostgrinder by james paddock Sky: ALLBLACK Format: Boom, complevel 9. Difficulty Settings: Yes Gimmicks Used: - Inspired by music track - Boat - Something Doomcute - 2 Boss Battles (I mean, kinda.) Build Time: 1 hour. Comments: December is gonna be a lot of fun. Spoiler Map Name: Puddle of Sacrifice Author: Death Bear Music: You Aint the boss o' me by james paddock Sky: RSKY3 from the resource pack Format: Boom, complevel 9. Difficulty Settings: None Gimmicks Used: - hellish - 13 monsters - doom 1 stuff Build Time: 45 mins Comments: 13 is my baby. Spoiler 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
El Jeff Posted September 11, 2022 On 9/7/2022 at 12:33 AM, Death Bear said: Aight Bet 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
notTyrone Posted September 11, 2022 Map Name: Totally Easy Author: Me Music: "Time to be on Fire" - James Paddock (30in30-4) Sky: transfers Format: Boom (Doom2) Difficulty Settings: No Gimmicks Used: Remake of an iD level, Beach map, there's a boat. Build Time: 1 hour Comments: Your vessel has run aground. You hope the island's inhabitants are nice enough to prepare you a nice cold Piña colada. Screenshots: Spoiler 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Biodegradable Posted September 12, 2022 @DynamiteKaitorn @Philnemba 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
CyberosLeopard Posted September 12, 2022 While I have a map to submit, unfortunately I have gone over the time limit a bit; hopefully 10 minutes isn’t too bad. Also I haven’t textured every sidedef or flat just yet, but I feel uploading the map now provides some element of transparency (you’ll be able to tell if there are any added rooms for example). Due to some time constraints, I’ll have the map finished on the up-coming weekend, 17/18th. Sorry if this is an issue. Map Name: Messy Annoyance Author: Leopard or Cyberos Leopard (either is fine :) ) Music: Demon Dance, by Dial-up for Murder. ( Sky: The E1 sky from NEIS (I simply found an example here that I thought was rather nice: Format: Boom Difficulty Settings: Yes, some monsters are replaced and there are some additional items on lower difficulties. Gimmicks Used: No Hitscan Map. A Bone Closet in a Trick Door. Remake of/ Reference to a Past PUSS map (more on this in a moment). Build Time: 1 hour and 10 minutes (sorry again). Comments: I rather liked the idea of using a previous PUSS map as a base, so I started poking around some of the older PUSS projects. I then stumbled across PUSS VI, Imperfect Hatred. I think you can see where this is going. While not a remake of any particular map from Imperfect Hatred, I did apply two rules from PUSS VI; the Cyberdemon guards a secret BFG (the BFG it-self is in the open, just getting to it is the secret); and a hot-ish start with a Cacodemon swarm. The map is also rather thematic to Perfect Hatred. I’ve also imitated a room from Trick and Tear; there is a bit of a tail regarding that, but I’ll save the details for another time. Screenshots: Spoiler 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Death Bear Posted September 13, 2022 Welcome back to the series, @CyberosLeopard! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Biodegradable Posted September 13, 2022 (edited) @muumi @Death Bear Edited September 13, 2022 by Biodegradable 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
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