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  • Linguica


    By Linguica, in News,

    There's a new issue of Doom, Damnit! posted, with all sorts of Doom-community wackiness and funny stuff, including a guest editorial by Jerry Seinfeld and an exclusive of The Blair Imp Project. Go read, damnit.


    Doom3057 Demo

    By Mordeth, in News,

    A demo of the ZDoom project Doom3057 has been released, sporting one large level, new textures, sounds and extensive use of scripting. In this game, scientists from 3057 have brought the legendary Doom marine to their timeline to assist them in a losing battle against the demon hordes unleashed again from their realm. Go kick some butt, grandpa!


    Gang Dang

    By Mordeth, in News,

    The Public Dang site has again updated with not only lots of demos for your viewing pleasure, but also a new layout for the ranking and category pages. I'm pleased to see some of the new entries come from my own little country... 'we' kick ass! :)



    By Linguica, in News,

    Skulltag has had quite a few updates today (three, in fact) outlining plans for Skulltag's client/server engine structure, work on the Skulltag bots (pissing off a bot should be fun), and lots of predictions for the 21st century.


    Icarus Ignition

    By Linguica, in News,

    I was sent word of a new Doom webpage entitled IcarusWeb. So what, you ask? Well, this site has opened with all sorts of cool stuff including a Doom Dictionary, a monster zoo, WAD reviews, and an interview with John Romero. Neat!


    JHexen Test Problems

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Jaakko reports about some serious problems plaguing his first JHexen network test. Three bugs are identified now: clients that won't answer retransmit requests, inconsistent player data and a broken chat function. Apparantly, he's on top of it.



    By Mordeth, in News,

    Telefragged's mirror system has (finally!) been brought back up to par. When downloading files from Doomworld you can choose from six different mirrors from around the world, apart from the local Doomworld FTP site. The latest addition to these mirrors is '3D Downloads', courtesy of UGO. Please let us know if problems still remain, and we'll bug our hosts about it again.

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