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  • covaro

    Classic 5

    By covaro, in News,

    Anthony Soto (that guy that "appeared" for GDM2) has released the fifth level in the Classic series. As in the previous levels this one is meant for SP action, but Anthony also mentions some tweaking for DM fun. Always a blast. There is also mention of a re-release of Darkening E2.



    By Linguica, in News,

    Badger's Doom House which features over a dozen Doom Legacy/ZDoom skins unavailable anywhere else and the Badger's House Wad for Boom.
    Aardappel has some articles up about various topics, the first of which is comparing Doom to Quake 3, why he likes Doom better, and what it means to be a retro gamer.
    Michael Wallace sent word of Falconer's Rare Files For Doom, which contains the complete collection of DWANGO megawads, and a short history regarding how the wads came to be created. Other unique wads, with abstracts, are there too.


    Living On The Edge

    By covaro, in News,

    Rick Clark has worked up a new little DM level for use with the Edge engine. Known as Stadel (after a museum in Germany), the level is mostly a 3D test from Rick. You should go ahead and take a look at this lil' puppy. Definately gives a nice look at the power of the Edge.


    DoomGL Blurp

    By Mordeth, in News,

    There's a small update at the DoomGL site. There's a new lights.ini file up for grabs and the known bug list has been updated. Work on a ZDoomGL FAQ will also be started soon.


    Become Your Own Doomguy.

    By covaro, in News,

    That's right, become your own version of the Doomguy with the new and improved BFG 8500. On sale now for the low low price of, well depends on how the auction ends. That's right, Paul White is auctioning off a one of a kind "toy" that any true Doomer would love!


    Now go bid on this puppy. Anything less than $20 is a rip-off!


    Tekkoudan Alpha Released

    By Linguica, in News,

    This isn't Doom news, true, but it's close enough to qualify. An enterprising soul has released alpha release 0.3 of Tekkoudan, a Wolfenstein 3-D TC. In case you didn't hear me, I'll say it again: a Wolfenstein 3-D TC. And I thought editing Doom made me an old-timer. Here's a quote from the page describing why he's making it.
    I tried out the alpha release (it's standalone; you don't need Wolf3D installed to play it) and it's actually quite good. It's very "Metal-Gear-Solid-esque" with between-level briefings on objectives and all that jazz. Naturally help is needed, so if you're a programmer, mapper, or storyline whiz, show some love.



    By Linguica, in News,

    Well, according to the poll up there, the plurality of you guys would like to see Doom clan coverage on Doomworld. Now the only question is, what the hell does that mean? There aren't even more than a handful of Doom clans at the moment, at least as far as I know. What I'd like to hear from you guys is how to go about covering and encouraging the Doom clan "scene." You guys seem to want it, maybe you can tell me how to go about doing it.


    Unholy Crap

    By Linguica, in News,

    Unholy Software has a big honking update mostly talking about new and upcoming features in Doom Legacy and what they mean for Ni'mrod. Apparently their TC now has true 3D floors as well as scripting, which will soon be replaced when Fragglescript gets implemented. They also talk about glLegacy and dedicated servers, and have a big discussion about fans for some reason.


    csDoom FreeBSD Server

    By Mordeth, in News,

    The v0.62 FreeBSD csDoom server is now available at the csDoom site, following the release of binaries and source of the Win32/Linux client/server for this internet Doom port. There'a also a pointer to a csDoom FAQ. The FreeBSD server software has been mirrored at our source port section as usual.

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