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  • Mordeth


    By Mordeth, in News,

    A new Mailbag... it's a government conspiracy, I bet.
    Ethh has created a Doom shamanism page. Here is what scientists discovered after studying scrolls left behind in demon lairs and interviewing captured demons... or so Ethh wants us to belief. Now mankind finally has the opportunity to ask a Lost Soul that burning question: "Do you miss your Pain Elemental?" Funny, in a geeky way :)
    Andy Olivera has updated his site with talk about a new review and demos.
    The REoL Tough site has updated with a new Flash 4.0 powered layout. "All new Flash menus will guide you through the more simplistic layout people have been wanting!", according to REoL himself. Netscape users beware: it crashes your browser.


    Doomsday Is Here

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Jaakko Keränen starts his military service today so won't be able to work on his Win32 OpenGL port series for Doom, Heretic and Hexen for the remainder of this year. As promised he has finished what he could and uploaded binaries and of course the source of their common engine to his sites. All goodies mentioned below have been mirrored at our source port section as usual.
    There are no new JDoom, JHeretic or JHexen versions to feast your eyes upon but the source of the Doomsday engine v0.99.6 that powers it all is up for grabs. There's also a v1.0pre source, several utilities and a second DTest... which is the client/server beta for JDoom and JHeretic. This new test features "a number of bugfixes for the previous JHeretic DLL. Also included is a sample model definition file to show how you can replace the sprites with MD2 models". You'll need the v1.0pre tools if you have 'MFC42.DLL'-related problems or in case you want to run a master server.
    This is not the end of the J port series though... Jaakko will be back after completing his service!


    DM Resource

    By Mordeth, in News,

    The Doom Deathmatch Resource has been updated for the first time in quite a long while. To celebrate they've redesigned the site and reorganised their sections. To top it all off they've reviewed 'Execution DM', with a csDoom section coming soon. Mike Tawney could also use some help... email him if you're interested.


    Unholy Software

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Unholy Software has updated with a new screenshot and a small progress report. Mappage is going well, except for the fact that they still need more designers, as well as texture artists. Don't we all :)



    By Mordeth, in News,

    The mailbag. Love it... or hate it... but it's here to make you its bitch.
    Andrew B has launched his own website called, euh, AndrewB.net. He's planning to post MIDI and MP3 Heretic tunes there in the future. So far there are three Heretic MIDI files up for perusal.
    A demo of the Ultimate Doom project Kill is almost ready for release. The date is set for July 4th. They could still use some help though.
    3DActionPlanet is holding some sort of Doom trivia quiz. Nice if you're really, really bored.



    By Mordeth, in News,

    Bah, I can't even leave for one lousy day or the site's not being updated. Spank Covaro, and spank Linguica for not taking me along on his holidays. But don't worry... Mordeth is back :)


    Doom3D v1.12

    By Mordeth, in News,

    Paul Brook released the v1.12 binaries and source of his Win32/DirectX port Doom3D at Walnut Creek last night. You'll find it mirrored at our source port section as well. New are support for MD2 models and glBSP's "gl-friendly nodes" specs, several bug fixes and the network code now supports IP addresses to connect to opponents.


    And What Do You Think?

    By covaro, in News,

    Well since Mord has been so extremely effective while Ling is away, I either have no news to do anything with when I wake up or when I get home from work. So I'm going to do my own part. What would you think if Doomworld started an uber-link section of all things great and Doomish? Would it be used? Any thoughts and ideas are more than welcome to be posted in the comments section. I've got some rough ideas down on how to do this. Now if we should bother with it, that's up to you guys. =D

    Oh... and while I'm thinking about it. There my be a little list of winners and their prizes from some contest I ran a while back soon too. I'm starting to get some money again, so I can finally afford to send out the prizes to winners.



    By Mordeth, in News,

    Ye gods... it's another mailbag! Fear.
    Unholy Software has started a temporary website at this location. For now this is the place to check out their past and upcoming Doom add-ons, such as the Doom Legacy project NimRoD.
    Ralph Jericho sent word that he has released a demo of a new wad series based on his home town, called 'Escape from Prospect Park'. It's available at the UniDoom site.
    DoomFlynn wants to make a grab at world domination and thought it would be a good idea to start by releasing two Doom levels at Walnut Creek. One is a SP level entitled UAC Power Station and the other a deathmatch one called Doom Arena.

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