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Any Hexen or Heretic wads you'd recommend?


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I am one of those weirdos who likes hexen, and i wish to play more of heretic aswell, so, as title says.

I played penumbra already, it was quite fun, up until the quadruple bossfight atleast, after that it was more like running from an exploding building for three maps.

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Heretic, would recommend:

Avatar's Demise

Carnage Galore 2

Curse of D'sparil

Dark Mountain

Dark Mountain 2

Desert Crypt


The Seven Chambers



Heretic, recommend with some reservations:

Abbey3 (kind of an influential classic, but might not impress nowadays)

Blood, Fire, Death (found this one inspirational, but has some rough edges)

Burial Ground (some of the custom textures are a bit crusty)

Carnage Galore (ok, not as good as the sequel)

Khazad-Dum (nice to explore, some cool custom graphics, but a little TOO non-linear to play well)

Lhet (first level is kind of not great, the later ones have some neat huge structures, don't try in vanilla)

The Master's Domain (some odd and at times borderline jokey textures, otherwise pretty good)

Nightmare Isle (only part of its trilogy that might be worth playing in the general sense, still a bit weird, might visplane out on vanilla)

... someone remind me what the one with several levels that abused the secret level slot to infinitely loop back when you reached the end was called.  I'd put that one along with Abbey3 as "influential classic but might not impress any more". (Edit: it's Axes)


Hexen, would recommend:


Lair of Thieves

Shadows of Chronos


Hexen, recommend with some reservations:

Centromere (fantastic but tragically incomplete)

Fucking Hexen (sort of a jokewad, but in the way that actually tries to be humorous if sometimes annoying rather than the type that's just purposely bad; still shows a better understanding of Hexen than most stuff)

Hub of Pain (nice but a bit insubstantial)

Scourge of Viscerus (annoying soundtrack and some dumb port features, but otherwise good)

Shannara (some rough edges and a fatal bug under vanilla, playable in ZDoom/maybe other ports, you might appreciate some of the setpieces more if you've read at least Sword of Shannara even though it's only loosely based on the books)

Temple 2 (interesting, if a little weird and gimmicky at times)

Vaults (good ideas not always the best implemented)

Edited by ETTiNGRiNDER
found the one whose name I couldn't remember

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I really liked Faithless, it's GZDoom only and probably has too many changes to the base game for a purist like @ETTiNGRiNDER ;) but I thought they were stylistically appropriate. It's Heretic but it plays a lot like Hexen.



Some other good Heretic stuff, mostly not vanilla-compatible

HYMN: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/heretic/Ports/hymn

Call of the Apostate: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/heretic/Ports/apostate

Wrath of the Titans: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/heretic/Ports/titans -- no need to be shy about posting your own stuff EG :D

New Dungeons: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/heretic/g-i/hisymak


Quoth the Raven looks good but I haven't had time to play it yet.



ETTiNGRiNDER covered pretty much all the good Hexen stuff I know of, I have a few C-tier recommendations if you're desperate after going through that list. A lot of the major Hexen projects seek to revamp it in one way or another (often extra RPG elements etc.) which I don't find usually works, at least for me.


There is this which *just* got released, can't speak for it at all, it's obviously GZDoom feature-heavy but the screenshots look nice at least



Edited by plums

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Heretic, vanilla-ish:


Elf Gets Pissed

Both of those kinda focus on exploring what gimmicks and combat scenarios you can create specifically in Heretic, but they're good.



The rest is for GZDoom



Quest for the Crystal Skulls

The Wayfarer
Hordes of Chaos X -- kind of a Heretic/Hexen mashup with some Doom bits added in, not very serious, but fun

Call of the Apostate

Dark Deity's Bastion

Tenebrum - warning, it's a slog, very long and the combat tends to be a bit on the bullshit side especially in the later levels, but it's really impressive and imaginative



Serpent: Resurrection -- one example of RPGfying Hexen

Ressurection of Chaos -- follow-up to Hordes of Chaos, still not serious

Necrosis -- some debatable gameplay choices, but good-looking levels


Also they're mixed bags, but I'd suggest taking a look at the Upstart Mapping Projects, as there are two for Heretic and one for Hexen. And also The Realm of Parthoris as a previous attempt at a Heretic community project.

Edited by Gez

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All vanilla hexen:

  • Shadows of Chronos (excellent hexen hub, very close to the vanilla style but a bit more user friendly with regards to puzzles and stuff, and fun to play. About as close as you can get to going back in time and playing hexen for the first time in 1997.)
  • Riverwood (single level, very good. Wish it was longer.)
  • Centromere (can't remember if I ever finished this. It's alright.)
  • Newhub4 (If I remember correctly, Newhub is the one with the confusing canyon start map and Centromere is the one with the really square start map...)

The Kristus heretic and hexen wads (mentioned by pretty much everyone above me I assume) are also pretty good despite requiring zeedoom. Last time I checked all other heretic and hexen wads seemed to be tasteless gzdoom shit with a dozen recolored monsters and you can play as megaman if you want.

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A couple of really good ones that haven't been mentioned yet:

Sold Soul

Serpent's Wake



30 minutes ago, Grain of Salt said:

Last time I checked all other heretic and hexen wads seemed to be tasteless gzdoom shit with a dozen recolored monsters and you can play as megaman if you want.


So the last time you played a Heretic wad was like 13 years ago?

Edited by Not Jabba

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Shadows of Cronos for sure, best Hexen wad I've ever come across. 


Haven't seen it mentioned yet but there's also the Heretic equivalent of Community Chest - Heretic Treasure Chest - which I remember enjoying.


There's a small part of me that has been longing for Heretic/ Hexen "the way Raven did" for ages (or even a revisit of the Treasure Chest idea) but as they've never happened I assume the interest just isn't there, sadly. If I ever made a decent map for Heretic and felt bold, I might kick off something like that. 

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55 minutes ago, Not Jabba said:

So the last time you played a Heretic wad was like 13 years ago?


I left it ambiguous what eras were covered by that statement, as a merciful gesture. I thought that would be obvious.


34 minutes ago, Somniac said:


Oh yeah, Treasure Chest is pretty good. IIRC even the minor levels are quite charming.

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On 10/16/2023 at 10:35 PM, Flytrap said:

I played penumbra already, it was quite fun, up until the quadruple bossfight atleast, after that it was more like running from an exploding building for three maps.


Sorry for that... It was just a tiny experiment with Wings of Wrath.

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52 minutes ago, Somniac said:

There's a small part of me that has been longing for Heretic/ Hexen "the way Raven did" for ages (or even a revisit of the Treasure Chest idea) but as they've never happened I assume the interest just isn't there, sadly. If I ever made a decent map for Heretic and felt bold, I might kick off something like that. 


There has always been a bit less interest in mapping or modding for these games for a number of reasons. Many people probably don't even have the IWADs sitting in their folders, making both the audience and workforce smaller than that of Doom 1/2. And even if they do, they might have some inertia after making Doom maps for a long time. You get comfortable with the assets, and the behaviors and relationships of items/monsters/etc. Even Heretic changes that balance significantly, not to mention Hexen which gives you different classes to worry about.


19 hours ago, plums said:

 A lot of the major Hexen projects seek to revamp it in one way or another (often extra RPG elements etc.) which I don't find usually works, at least for me.


Me neither. But the base Hexen classes are pretty much garbage, so I can see why everyone wants to change it. Makes me want to come up with some sort of reworking of the classes that keeps the vanilla spirit but makes the game more accessible for both players and mappers. Even just getting rid of the classes entirely and coming up with a singular weapon set that smashes the three together (tastefully) might be beneficial...

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19 hours ago, plums said:

Quoth the Raven looks good but I haven't had time to play it yet.



I played Quoth, that's the only one I can vouch for though since I don't think I've even finished the main Heretic campaign. I don't think inventory management was ever my style... or at least with items that are a bit nebulous on what they do. (I think the real excuse was that I'm just a hardcore id nerd)


I think after playing Quoth though, I might revisit standard Heretic and perhaps some of these other wads that are being recommended!

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2 hours ago, Somniac said:

There's a small part of me that has been longing for Heretic/ Hexen "the way Raven did" for ages (or even a revisit of the Treasure Chest idea) but as they've never happened I assume the interest just isn't there, sadly. If I ever made a decent map for Heretic and felt bold, I might kick off something like that. 


I asked the community on Discord if they would be interested in vanila Hexen community project and the responses were like "um... dunno..." rather than "I am in!" so I gave up.

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On the subject of Heretic user content, I have a small handful of maps (like, four I guess?) for an abandoned episode that aren't really going anywhere that I'd happily throw at a community effort.

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11 minutes ago, Jayextee said:

On the subject of Heretic user content, I have a small handful of maps (like, four I guess?) for an abandoned episode that aren't really going anywhere that I'd happily throw at a community effort.

I'd actually love to see your take on Heretic -- I hope they end up in some form of release.

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We need to abduct some mappers, lock them up in Korax's dungeon and only let them out when we get the first community vanilla Hexen megawad.

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Everyone has posted all the usual suspects for good Heretic maps, but please consider my (not yet fully released but mostly done) mapset Condemned.


It requires ZDoom and has Wayfarer's Tome bundled which it needs.

Edited by TheHambourgeois

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Call of the Apostate - Mainly if you're just starting out with Heretic Custom content because it's not really more difficult than the base game.


Buzzsaw the Refusal, parts 1 and 2 - two parts of an episode with some pretty good ideas


Yard of the Dead - single map, not hard but pretty good


Dark Medieval Times Ep 1: I am the Black Wizard! - An easy but highly entertaining episode with lots of Heretic-cute details, a rocking metal soundtrack and a rather "anomalous" secret level.

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I don't see Blasphemous Experiments mentioned above, and I had a pretty good time with it -- forum post says something about the maps being folded into Blasphemer? I wouldn't know about that. But as its own thing, yeah, it's worth a play.

Call of the Apostate and unBeliever (for which I did the TITLEPIC art, heh) have already been mentioned, IMO those are a good time also.

All for Heretic. I do like HeXen myself, but haven't really delved into user content for it.

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On 10/17/2023 at 11:42 PM, ETTiNGRiNDER said:

Heretic, would recommend:

Avatar's Demise

Carnage Galore 2

Curse of D'sparil

Dark Mountain

Dark Mountain 2

Desert Crypt


The Seven Chambers



Heretic, recommend with some reservations:

Abbey3 (kind of an influential classic, but might not impress nowadays)

Blood, Fire, Death (found this one inspirational, but has some rough edges)

Burial Ground (some of the custom textures are a bit crusty)

Carnage Galore (ok, not as good as the sequel)

Khazad-Dum (nice to explore, some cool custom graphics, but a little TOO non-linear to play well)

Lhet (first level is kind of not great, the later ones have some neat huge structures, don't try in vanilla)

The Master's Domain (some odd and at times borderline jokey textures, otherwise pretty good)

Nightmare Isle (only part of its trilogy that might be worth playing in the general sense, still a bit weird, might visplane out on vanilla)

... someone remind me what the one with several levels that abused the secret level slot to infinitely loop back when you reached the end was called.  I'd put that one along with Abbey3 as "influential classic but might not impress any more". (Edit: it's Axes)


Hexen, would recommend:


Lair of Thieves

Shadows of Chronos


Hexen, recommend with some reservations:

Centromere (fantastic but tragically incomplete)

Fucking Hexen (sort of a jokewad, but in the way that actually tries to be humorous if sometimes annoying rather than the type that's just purposely bad; still shows a better understanding of Hexen than most stuff)

Hub of Pain (nice but a bit insubstantial)

Scourge of Viscerus (annoying soundtrack and some dumb port features, but otherwise good)

Shannara (some rough edges and a fatal bug under vanilla, playable in ZDoom/maybe other ports, you might appreciate some of the setpieces more if you've read at least Sword of Shannara even though it's only loosely based on the books)

Temple 2 (interesting, if a little weird and gimmicky at times)

Vaults (good ideas not always the best implemented)


On 10/18/2023 at 12:13 AM, plums said:

I really liked Faithless, it's GZDoom only and probably has too many changes to the base game for a purist like @ETTiNGRiNDER ;) but I thought they were stylistically appropriate. It's Heretic but it plays a lot like Hexen.



Some other good Heretic stuff, mostly not vanilla-compatible

HYMN: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/heretic/Ports/hymn

Call of the Apostate: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/heretic/Ports/apostate

Wrath of the Titans: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/heretic/Ports/titans -- no need to be shy about posting your own stuff EG :D

New Dungeons: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/heretic/g-i/hisymak


Quoth the Raven looks good but I haven't had time to play it yet.



ETTiNGRiNDER covered pretty much all the good Hexen stuff I know of, I have a few C-tier recommendations if you're desperate after going through that list. A lot of the major Hexen projects seek to revamp it in one way or another (often extra RPG elements etc.) which I don't find usually works, at least for me.


There is this which *just* got released, can't speak for it at all, it's obviously GZDoom feature-heavy but the screenshots look nice at least




On 10/18/2023 at 12:23 AM, Gez said:

Heretic, vanilla-ish:


Elf Gets Pissed

Both of those kinda focus on exploring what gimmicks and combat scenarios you can create specifically in Heretic, but they're good.



The rest is for GZDoom



Quest for the Crystal Skulls

The Wayfarer
Hordes of Chaos X -- kind of a Heretic/Hexen mashup with some Doom bits added in, not very serious, but fun

Call of the Apostate

Dark Deity's Bastion

Tenebrum - warning, it's a slog, very long and the combat tends to be a bit on the bullshit side especially in the later levels, but it's really impressive and imaginative



Serpent: Resurrection -- one example of RPGfying Hexen

Ressurection of Chaos -- follow-up to Hordes of Chaos, still not serious

Necrosis -- some debatable gameplay choices, but good-looking levels


Also they're mixed bags, but I'd suggest taking a look at the Upstart Mapping Projects, as there are two for Heretic and one for Hexen. And also The Realm of Parthoris as a previous attempt at a Heretic community project.


6 hours ago, Grain of Salt said:

All vanilla hexen:

  • Shadows of Chronos (excellent hexen hub, very close to the vanilla style but a bit more user friendly with regards to puzzles and stuff, and fun to play. About as close as you can get to going back in time and playing hexen for the first time in 1997.)
  • Riverwood (single level, very good. Wish it was longer.)
  • Centromere (can't remember if I ever finished this. It's alright.)
  • Newhub4 (If I remember correctly, Newhub is the one with the confusing canyon start map and Centromere is the one with the really square start map...)

The Kristus heretic and hexen wads (mentioned by pretty much everyone above me I assume) are also pretty good despite requiring zeedoom. Last time I checked all other heretic and hexen wads seemed to be tasteless gzdoom shit with a dozen recolored monsters and you can play as megaman if you want.


6 hours ago, Not Jabba said:

A couple of really good ones that haven't been mentioned yet:

Sold Soul

Serpent's Wake




So the last time you played a Heretic wad was like 13 years ago?


5 hours ago, Somniac said:

Shadows of Cronos for sure, best Hexen wad I've ever come across. 


Haven't seen it mentioned yet but there's also the Heretic equivalent of Community Chest - Heretic Treasure Chest - which I remember enjoying.


There's a small part of me that has been longing for Heretic/ Hexen "the way Raven did" for ages (or even a revisit of the Treasure Chest idea) but as they've never happened I assume the interest just isn't there, sadly. If I ever made a decent map for Heretic and felt bold, I might kick off something like that. 


5 hours ago, Grain of Salt said:


I left it ambiguous what eras were covered by that statement, as a merciful gesture. I thought that would be obvious.



Oh yeah, Treasure Chest is pretty good. IIRC even the minor levels are quite charming.


4 hours ago, Kwisior said:

Faithless: Trilogy

I never played it, but it's probably good since it got a Cacoward.

Edit: crap, this was mentioned already


4 hours ago, magicsofa said:


There has always been a bit less interest in mapping or modding for these games for a number of reasons. Many people probably don't even have the IWADs sitting in their folders, making both the audience and workforce smaller than that of Doom 1/2. And even if they do, they might have some inertia after making Doom maps for a long time. You get comfortable with the assets, and the behaviors and relationships of items/monsters/etc. Even Heretic changes that balance significantly, not to mention Hexen which gives you different classes to worry about.



Me neither. But the base Hexen classes are pretty much garbage, so I can see why everyone wants to change it. Makes me want to come up with some sort of reworking of the classes that keeps the vanilla spirit but makes the game more accessible for both players and mappers. Even just getting rid of the classes entirely and coming up with a singular weapon set that smashes the three together (tastefully) might be beneficial...


4 hours ago, TheShep said:


I played Quoth, that's the only one I can vouch for though since I don't think I've even finished the main Heretic campaign. I don't think inventory management was ever my style... or at least with items that are a bit nebulous on what they do. (I think the real excuse was that I'm just a hardcore id nerd)


I think after playing Quoth though, I might revisit standard Heretic and perhaps some of these other wads that are being recommended!


3 hours ago, Matthias said:


I asked the community on Discord if they would be interested in vanila Hexen community project and the responses were like "um... dunno..." rather than "I am in!" so I gave up.


3 hours ago, Devalaous said:

For an oldschool Raven flavour, try Ye Old Smudge, Recant and Deadlock; its a small what-if taste of 'Master Levels' for the Raven games


2 hours ago, Jayextee said:

On the subject of Heretic user content, I have a small handful of maps (like, four I guess?) for an abandoned episode that aren't really going anywhere that I'd happily throw at a community effort.


2 hours ago, Not Jabba said:

I'd actually love to see your take on Heretic -- I hope they end up in some form of release.


2 hours ago, Devalaous said:

We need to abduct some mappers, lock them up in Korax's dungeon and only let them out when we get the first community vanilla Hexen megawad.


2 hours ago, TheHambourgeois said:

Everyone has posted all the usual suspects for good Heretic maps, but please consider my (not yet fully released but mostly done) mapset Condemned.


It requires ZDoom and has Wayfarer's Tome bundled which it needs.


2 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:

Call of the Apostate - Mainly if you're just starting out with Heretic Custom content because it's not really more difficult than the base game.


Buzzsaw the Refusal, parts 1 and 2 - two parts of an episode with some pretty good ideas


Yard of the Dead - single map, not hard but pretty good


Dark Medieval Times Ep 1: I am the Black Wizard! - An easy but highly entertaining episode with lots of Heretic-cute details, a rocking metal soundtrack and a rather "anomalous" secret level.


1 hour ago, Jayextee said:

I don't see Blasphemous Experiments mentioned above, and I had a pretty good time with it -- forum post says something about the maps being folded into Blasphemer? I wouldn't know about that. But as its own thing, yeah, it's worth a play.

Call of the Apostate and unBeliever (for which I did the TITLEPIC art, heh) have already been mentioned, IMO those are a good time also.

All for Heretic. I do like HeXen myself, but haven't really delved into user content for it.

Well, thats a LOT more replies from a community that supposedly isnt a big fan of heretic, and especially hexen, this will take me a bit of time to just read through, let alone play all of it

Needless to say, my dark fantasy itch is going to be sated for a long while, thanks everyone!

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5 hours ago, Matthias said:


Sorry for that... It was just a tiny experiment with Wings of Wrath.

Dont feel bad! It wasnt bad, just one dimensional

I deffinitely didnt hate it

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4 hours ago, TheShep said:


I played Quoth, that's the only one I can vouch for though since I don't think I've even finished the main Heretic campaign. I don't think inventory management was ever my style... or at least with items that are a bit nebulous on what they do. (I think the real excuse was that I'm just a hardcore id nerd)


I think after playing Quoth though, I might revisit standard Heretic and perhaps some of these other wads that are being recommended!

When you get to E4M1 and E5M1 of heretic, uhhhhhhh, strap in. Those are not friendly, not even in the slightest.

Since i play hexen and heretic on 'UV MAX', those two levels took me like 20-30 hours of combined time trying to 100%.
I enjoyed it, it was quite challenging, but man, other people didnt, i really dont blame them. Those levels are tough as nails to kill all monsters and find all secrets.

Proof: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1975003293

Edited by Flytrap

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On 10/17/2023 at 5:42 PM, ETTiNGRiNDER said:

Heretic, would recommend:

Avatar's Demise

Carnage Galore 2

Curse of D'sparil

Dark Mountain

Dark Mountain 2

Desert Crypt


The Seven Chambers



Heretic, recommend with some reservations:

Abbey3 (kind of an influential classic, but might not impress nowadays)

Blood, Fire, Death (found this one inspirational, but has some rough edges)

Burial Ground (some of the custom textures are a bit crusty)

Carnage Galore (ok, not as good as the sequel)

Khazad-Dum (nice to explore, some cool custom graphics, but a little TOO non-linear to play well)

Lhet (first level is kind of not great, the later ones have some neat huge structures, don't try in vanilla)

The Master's Domain (some odd and at times borderline jokey textures, otherwise pretty good)

Nightmare Isle (only part of its trilogy that might be worth playing in the general sense, still a bit weird, might visplane out on vanilla)

... someone remind me what the one with several levels that abused the secret level slot to infinitely loop back when you reached the end was called.  I'd put that one along with Abbey3 as "influential classic but might not impress any more". (Edit: it's Axes)


Hexen, would recommend:


Lair of Thieves

Shadows of Chronos


Hexen, recommend with some reservations:

Centromere (fantastic but tragically incomplete)

Fucking Hexen (sort of a jokewad, but in the way that actually tries to be humorous if sometimes annoying rather than the type that's just purposely bad; still shows a better understanding of Hexen than most stuff)

Hub of Pain (nice but a bit insubstantial)

Scourge of Viscerus (annoying soundtrack and some dumb port features, but otherwise good)

Shannara (some rough edges and a fatal bug under vanilla, playable in ZDoom/maybe other ports, you might appreciate some of the setpieces more if you've read at least Sword of Shannara even though it's only loosely based on the books)

Temple 2 (interesting, if a little weird and gimmicky at times)

Vaults (good ideas not always the best implemented)


Funny that you mention Carnage Galore 1 and 2, but not 3.

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37 minutes ago, Flytrap said:

Well, thats a LOT more replies from a community that supposedly isnt a big fan of heretic, and especially hexen, this will take me a bit of time to just read through, let alone play all of it

Needless to say, my dark fantasy itch is going to be sated for a long while, thanks everyone!

Heretic/Hexen fans are a small group compared to Doom, but enthusiastic and dedicated.

Edited by Not Jabba

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Heretic fans are definitely there and even some Hexen fans once in a blue moon, if you want tumbleweeds blowing by though just ask for Strife fans to come out.

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Just now, Lila Feuer said:

Heretic fans are definitely there and even some Hexen fans once in a blue moon, if you want tumbleweeds blowing by though just ask for Strife fans to come out.

Well thats a bummer. I quite liked strife aswell, even if it was a bit too ambitious for the doom engine.

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I was actually thinking of this (Danarchy's Heretic Speedmapping 1: The Sewers of D'Sparil) little WAD recently. It has some really quaint little speed maps that are not at all bad. I recommend these to anyone who wants a bite sized Heretic experience.


Despair by SHADESMASTER - I don't know why anyone hasn't mentioned this one yet. Most of the levels are actually really good. It requires ZDoom to play though.

Edited by Halfblind

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