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WADs that use tracker music?


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DBP36 has it for every track, I believe. Lazarevenant as well, I'm sure there are more.

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Void is an early example that comes to mind. It uses compressed samples so just extracting the modules normally won't work.


Some maps in Grindfest do.


@Steve D is or was working on a wad full of Amiga modules.


There are lots more but that's what comes to mind.

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Akhasic Migraine has a few banger tracker songs in it (it's a single-level wad, so there's only menu, map, and intermission music). An excellent snack for people that like their amen breaks.


Time Tripper, too. So many good songs in that as well.

Edited by SirPootis

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41 minutes ago, Maximum Matt said:

The hell is tracker music


Yes, google. Also here's a very very good video on it too, if you don't mind it being 40 mins long lol.

Edited by kaleb.

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Hellshots Golf is the only one I can think of that's not been brought up here.

Give Me All Your Love has a really great song that's been used in which Phoenyx brought up earlier.


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Thankyou.  SOME people are polite in here, gives me hope for this site


Edited by Maximum Matt
Heh. I think I upset somebody.

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1 hour ago, Maximum Matt said:

Thankyou.  SOME people are polite in here, gives me hope for this site


FWIW Kaleb tried to send you to a really good vid all about tracker music

9 hours ago, kaleb. said:


Also here's a very very good video on it too, if you don't mind it being 40 mins long lol.

Then again I don't blame you if you do mind >30 minute long vids

Edited by No-Man Baugh

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I was introduced to Andrew Sega and the whole tracker scene later on thanks to Massmouth 2, a ZDoom mod in the legendary decade of 00's.

At first I was in love with this because it reminded me of my childhood game, Jazz Jackrabbit... but I didn't know why it sounded so similar, until I realized the scene. And now I make my own songs on Renoise too... It all comes back to this community somehow!

Edited by Noiser

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All the music for my upcoming megawad, Infernal Gladiator, is made in Renoise, but it doesn't sound like tracker music, if I am honest. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, if any of you are interested in producing game music using trackers, I think the best one is Open ModPlug Tracker. It supports many formats, including its own. I'm pretty sure it has VST support, and it can export to MIDI format. It's pretty great.

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Zen Dynamics is a great example. And Xaser made some absolute solid choices, to the point it's one of my top Doom mod soundtracks. MAP00 even has the same music throughout but uses different sequences in parts. 

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