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  • Linguica


    By Linguica, in News,

    Blain Newport"Charlton Heston begins his monthly address...." -- Nick Fai
    "Where's Waldo?" -- Matt Dixon
    I've posted all the rest in the comments. Also, I'm still being asked this, so once again: Doomnation is down because Frag.com, its host, went down to "switch servers" and never returned. That's all I know.


    ZanZan Released!

    By Linguica, in News,

    i really should wait until the page has been updated about this, but I've been waiting for it for too long: the ZanZan TC has been released! What is the ZanZan TC, you ask? It's by Edmundo Bordeu, one of the minds behind the uber-popular Batman Doom. It takes place in an strange and alien world, where you play a ruler who has just been robbed of his immortality by a rebelling subject. It requires ZDoomGL to run, however, so sorry to all of you with puny computers :( Nonetheless, this thing freaking ROCKS! Download it here (3.4 megs) until the homepage has been updated.


    New csDoom Wizard

    By Linguica, in News,

    "Due to the supprisingly high need of a csDOOM server launcher," Tobias Taschner has integrated one into csDOOM Wizard 0.25 whichhas standard server launcher features, plus server profiles, so you can quicklystart standard servers. Also, there's an export feature to ease up config and batchfile writing for Linux boxes.


    Nighmare Creatures

    By Linguica, in News,

    NiGHTMARE's Haunt has been updated twice in the past two days with some nice meaty updates. He's posted a new feature detailing his thoughts regarding the new Doom game, and he also talks about *takes deep breath* Hellstorm, Mordeth E2, Crucified Dreams, Twice Risen, Wrath, Paradox, Testament of Judgement, Skulltag, Morbid DM 2, Morbid DM 3, Alien Vindicta, Hell Revealed 2, and Doom Millennium. *GASP*


    Legacy News

    By Mordeth, in News,

    The Doom Legacy site has word that a MacOS and BeOS version of this source port is currently under development. This will probably be finished "during this summer". The release date of the next 'normal' final version of Doom Legacy has been delayed a bit due to Real Life stuffage.


    Old, Um, Maps Released

    By Linguica, in News,

    Sverre Kvernmo (if you don't know who he is, go away... ok fine, mapper for Eternal Doom, Redneck Rampage, Daikatana, and KISS: Psycho Circus) sent word that BjoernarJohansen, an old friend of his, has released a couple of never-before-seen Doom 2 maps over on his homepage. They... eh, I'll just paste in what Sverre sent me.
    The screenshots don't look half bad either. Check them out.


    Interview With A Romero

    By Linguica, in News,

    There's a interview with John Romero up on BondeLAN, which apart from the interview is in a foreign language (some Scandanavian one, I can't tell). The interview is pretty short, and while it covers some requisite Daikatana stuff, it also has some Doom questions thrown in for good measure. Such as:
    E1M5, the imp, and the plasma rifle for me.


    Millennial Music

    By Linguica, in News,

    Jamie Robertson sent word that the new version of the music remix of Doom64 he did last year, which is now called "Pleasures of DooM 2000" is available on his bgcsoft.f9.co.uk/musician]site. Also, he wants everyone to download the second single entitled Return to the House of Hell from the Doom Millennium soundtrack CD due out this summer. BTW, I've gotten some emails about what's up with Doom Millennium and Team Insanity... Doomworld's gotten a request for hosting from them but they haven't followed through yet, so just hold your horses :P


    JDoom Patch

    By covaro, in News,

    There is a new patch out for JDoom that allows for Deathmatch 2 mode to be played in the port. The patch has been released for the most current version (.81) and should make all you DMers happy. You can download the patch at the JDoom page until Mord gets around to mirroring it.


    Client-Server Doomsday

    By covaro, in News,

    If it's not Doom 3, it's been Client-Server recently. So why stop with the trend now? Exactly my point. Well Jaako, creator of all things great and small, has updated the JHexen page with some info on the first test of the Doomsday Engine's Client-Server ability.

    *SNIP*[quote] The first test of the new client/server code was encouraging. I tried a little bit of 2-player action on Heretic's E1M1 and everything seemed pretty smooth.....</blockquote></font>Well gotta love that type of news. Of course for the full skinny, you gotta get on over to the site itself.

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