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  • Linguica


    By Linguica, in News,

    FearDM was updated yesterday with some new screenshots as well as changing the memebrs page to reflect the addition of two new members to the project.


    ZDoom Stuff

    By Linguica, in News,

    The ZDoom Homepage has a progress report on ZDoom 1.23, the big news of which is that Randy Heit has overhauled the way the engine differentiates between Things, which has paved the way for more and better camera objects, as well as preliminary support for Heretic and Hexen. He's also switched the Windows version of ZDoom from MIDAS to FMOD, with some sound improvements being added as a result.


    Doom Nation Stuff

    By Linguica, in News,

    Afterglow has updated with all sorts of news, including his experiences with LAN deathmatch on some noted Doom 2 WADs, as well as the news that he's gotten himself a new computer and will probably slowly be converting over to mapping for newer games (boo hiss).


    Wild Stuff

    By Linguica, in News,

    Rick Clark has updated the Mars Base 1 page with the release of the intro map entitled "Activation." One thing to note is that the WAD requires the resource WAD from TeamTNT's "The Return," but you already have that, don't you?



    By Linguica, in News,

    Fanatic has an update mostly focusing on the immature behaviors of some Doomworld/Doomnation forumgoers, but also touches a (very slight) bit on QDOOM...


    Marine Doomer Interviewed

    By Linguica, in News,

    The creator of the classic Doom-turned-tactical-simulation Marine Doom has been interviewed over at Stomped. Here's a quote from the informative interview:
    If you like tactics and strategies in your Doom game, another good bet would be Twilight Warrior, which blows Marine Doom out of the water in my book.

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