Added new link to Yeti's page.
Heh... As some of you know my real name is Jani Saksa (it reads on my personal info section)...
Well one day in Efnet #doom2 BrewBoy asked me, have I ever typed my name with "l" instead os
"k" just for fun... I though it was pretty funny... Jani Salsa :)
Wednesday, 26 August 1998
The second page ever to receive Sir Robin's Golden Marine Award is
DooM Updates. It's a simple,
but brilliant page. It only says what DooM pages are updated, but it's the most useful
page for a long time!
Umm... For those that are waiting for BaseDM #2, I have to say that the level needs a powerful
machine to run. I think that all 486 owners can forget the idea of playing it, since it slows
down even on my P75. Of course it might be playable with Lee Killough's BooM port which
is not yet released, but which is supposed to be faster than original BooM.
BaseDM #3 which is released somewhere in future will be directed to all DooMer's. I'll make
sure that it's playable even with 486's.
Also my BaseDM #1 was reviewed in Tha DooM Shack! For some very strange reason that
I don't know, the review has been deleted from there, as seem to be some other reviews too...
My second BaseDM level is almost done. As I'm updating this page, I'm also sending the level
to my friend Dawid Wood (Hakx), so he can make a midi
for it!
Woohoo! Finally I've got the membership of TeamTNT!!!
Another WOOHOOO! My page break the 10000 visitors!!! WOW! Unfortunately nobody took a screenshot
of my counter :(
Also I just linked and awarded Mr. Fly Taggart's The DooM Headquarters!
Thursday, 13 August 1998 - NEW SECTION!
This time I did something bigger than I usually do. First I destroyed the screenshots page
and GLDooM/GLQuake/Quake2 page, because I felt that they are not needed. Then I added
A NEW SECTION that lists My levels!. Check it out. I'm not
a bad level author!
A DooMer's best friend is a sheep! The whole DooM world is using a cute program called
Esheep... Maybe I'll make a page for one... Anyway, download it NOW! (ESHEEP.ZIP).
And visit the Esheep freak, Cyberdemon's page. He
has a GREAT Esheep FAQ!!!
![[Picture of Esheep]](sheep.gif)
Oh yeah! Rolling Stones visited Finland and I was watching their show! God damn it, those old
guys can ROCK!
Ok... I thought that the "" at was a sequel for
Phobos that I reviewed last time, but instead of it, it was another adventure with
name "Phobos". was amazing! One of the best add-ons I have seen! So read the
review of it, check the screenshots, and download it!
This time:
I also added links to following places at my Links section: