savagegrant Posted April 13, 2017 (edited) note: If you're finding this thread from search, you might want to check out the more updated version here What are your top WADs of all time? Here you can vote for 10 to 20 of your favourite WADs and you have up to 55 points to allocate any way you wish, with a maximum of 10 points for any particular release. As new WADs are released, you can change your votes at any time in the future (though, please be sure to make a new post rather than editing an old one). Any commentary on your selections or honourable mentions of other WADs or maps within WADs are always welcome. An example of voting would be: 10 points - favourite WAD 9 points - 2nd favourite WAD 8 points - 3rd favourite WAD 7 points - 4th favourite WAD 6 points - 5th favourite WAD 5 points - 6th favourite WAD 4 points - 7th favourite WAD 3 points - 8th favourite WAD 2 points - 9th favourite WAD 1 point - 10th favourite WAD Or perhaps: 5 points - a favourite WAD 5 points - a favourite WAD 5 points - a favourite WAD 5 points - a favourite WAD 5 points - a favourite WAD 5 points - a favourite WAD 5 points - a favourite WAD 5 points - a favourite WAD 5 points - a favourite WAD 5 points - a favourite WAD 5 points - a favourite WAD (You don't have to use all 55 points if you don't wish to, as long as you vote for at least 10 WADs.) A recap of some highly-regarded WADs can be found in an old thread of mine here: Current Tally: 1. Alien Vendetta [188: 42PercentHealth (5); Cynical (7); Doomkid (3); Mr. Freeze (9); NuMetalManiak (6); Spectra (3); Malrionn (2); antares031 (8); Forli (1); roadworx (5); WH-Wilou84 (5); fveitsi (5); justsomemusicguy (9); JudgeDeadd (4); T-Rex (10); darkreaver (9); Roofi (8); Talvi (1); Paul977 (8); Mason. (5); bLOCKbOYgAMES (10); valkiriforce (8); soner du (7); Philnemba (6); Altima (10); SGS Man (5); NaZa (5); Poncho (10); Squadallah (10); dylux (4)] 2. Scythe 2 [178: 42PercentHealth (10); Not Jabba (5); Cynical (2); Archvile Hunter (5); Mr. Freeze (8); ShotgunDemolition (9); stasiowygrzybek (8); Ralphis (6); HyperLuke (10); Voltcom9 (10); everennui (5); Forli (7); Nate River (5); fveitsi (5); justsomemusicguy (10); darkreaver (3); Talvi (5); bonnie (1); Dragonfly (10); Greyenko (10); Lazorinc (7); SGS Man (7); Grain of Salt (4); bemused (7); Squadallah (4); dylux (6); tchkb (9)] 3. Scythe [145: 42PercentHealth (9); Archvile Hunter (5); Doomkid (10); Mr. Freeze (2); ShotgunDemolition (8); stasiowygrzybek (5); Forli (3); roadworx (9); 7hm (4); Dime (3); Nate River (10); fveitsi (5); justsomemusicguy (6); T-Rex (2); bonnie (10); Greyenko (2); valkiriforce (1); soner du (4); Philnemba (10); Altima (8); Lazorinc (5); SGS Man (6); NaZa (7); Poncho (8); tchkb (3)] 4. Sunlust [143: Nine Inch Heels (10); Cynical (3); Archvile Hunter (5); ShotgunDemolition (4); Spectre01 (9); yakfak (6); Forli (8); WH-Wilou84 (2); 7hm (4); Dime (4); Nate River (7); fveitsi (5); Roofi (1); Talvi (5); GarrettChan (6); Greyenko (7); Lazorinc (10); SGS Man (9); Grain of Salt (7); Bryan T (7); Poncho (2); bemused (9); Nirvana (5); tchkb (8)] 5. Valiant [141: Nine Inch Heels (7); Not Jabba (5); Archvile Hunter (5); Spectre01 (10); Spectra (10); MFG38 (8); Ed (5); Forli (10); 7hm (4); Dime (7); JudgeDeadd (4); Talvi (5); GarrettChan (9); HUNdebLeonidasX (10); Lazorinc (9); SGS Man (10); Bryan T (10); Poncho (3); tchkb (10)] 6. Ancient Aliens [138: 42PercentHealth (5); Nine Inch Heels (6); Not Jabba (6); Archvile Hunter (5); ShotgunDemolition (7); stasiowygrzybek (4); NuMetalManiak (8); Spectre01 (4); Ed (5); antares031 (5); everennui (8); Forli (9); JudgeDeadd (4); Talvi (5); Dragonfly (4); Mason. (5); GarrettChan (10); Lazorinc (8); SGS Man (8); NaZa (9); Poncho (7); tchkb (6)] 7. Back to Saturn X E1: Get Out of My Stations [122: Sky (3); Archvile Hunter (5); ShotgunDemolition (10); Malrionn (8); MFG38 (10); Ed (5); everennui (5); yakfak (1); Forli (6); WH-Wilou84 (2); 7hm (4); Dime (1); JudgeDeadd (3); Talvi (3); Mason. (5); Woolie Wool (2); GarrettChan (4); Soundblock (1); TechnoDoomed1 (8); Lazorinc (3); SGS Man (4); Grain of Salt (6); NaZa (3); Poncho (6); dylux (9); tchkb (5)] 8. Sunder [85: Nine Inch Heels (9); HyperLuke (3); Ed (5); yakfak (2); Forli (2); WH-Wilou84 (3); Nate River (6); Talvi (4); Outrageous Videos (10); GarrettChan (8); Soundblock (10); Lazorinc (4); SGS Man (1); bemused (10); Nirvana (8)] 9. Plutonia 2 [84: Archvile Hunter (5); Mr. Freeze (6); Spectre01 (5); Spectra (2); Malrionn (2); Ed (5); antares031 (6); Forli (5); justsomemusicguy (5); darkreaver (7); Talvi (3); Paul977 (10); bLOCKbOYgAMES (5); Greyenko (5); valkiriforce (2); soner du (3); SGS Man (2); Grain of Salt (6)] 10. Hell Revealed [82: Cynical (9); Mr. Freeze (10); antares031 (1); Grazza (10); roadworx (7); WH-Wilou84 (4); fveitsi (5); T-Rex (9); Roofi (5); bonnie (1); Altima (10); NaZa (8); Squadallah (3)] 11. Memento Mori [77: 42PercentHealth (4); Doomkid (10); stasiowygrzybek (9); Vorpal (5); roadworx (10); justsomemusicguy (1); JudgeDeadd (2); T-Rex (2); Mason. (5); Soundblock (4); valkiriforce (10); Altima (1); NaZa (10); Poncho (4)] 12. Going Down [69: Archvile Hunter (5); NuMetalManiak (7); Ed (5); antares031 (5); everennui (4); roadworx (1); 7hm (4); fveitsi (5); JudgeDeadd (4); Talvi (1); Dragonfly (9); HUNdebLeonidasX (8); SGS Man (3); Bryan T (8)] 13. Hell Revealed II [65: 42PercentHealth (7); Mr. Freeze (1); NuMetalManiak (1); WH-Wilou84 (5); fveitsi (5); justsomemusicguy (2); darkreaver (6); Outrageous Videos (7); bLOCKbOYgAMES (7); Greyenko (6); Philnemba (4); Altima (3); Lazorinc (2); Squadallah (2); tchkb (7)] 14. Deus Vult II [52: Cynical (10); NuMetalManiak (10); justsomemusicguy (7); JudgeDeadd (3); Talvi (4); Greyenko (8); Philnemba (9); bemused (1)] 15. Epic 2 [51: ShotgunDemolition (6); NuMetalManiak (9); Spectre01 (7); yakfak (9); Roofi (9); Talvi (2); HUNdebLeonidasX (9)] 16. Resurgence [46: 42PercentHealth (9); Not Jabba (6); Cynical (4); Archvile Hunter (5); Spectre01 (1); fveitsi (5); darkreaver (2); Talvi (2); Mason. (5); GarrettChan (3); Bryan T (4)] 17. Speed of Doom [46: Not Jabba (2); Archvile Hunter (5); WH-Wilou84 (5); darkreaver (8); Outrageous Videos (6); Mason. (5); Grain of Salt (4); bemused (5); Squadallah (6)] 18. Kama Sutra [45: Grazza (7); fveitsi (5); T-Rex (5); Roofi (10); Mason. (5); Philnemba (7); Grain of Salt (6)] 19. Requiem [43: ella guro (1); roadworx (2); WH-Wilou84 (4); justsomemusicguy (8); T-Rex (9); Woolie Wool (7); valkiriforce (6); NaZa (6)] 20. Back to Saturn X E2: Tower in the Fountain of Sparks [42: Malrionn (6); yakfak (8); JudgeDeadd (4); Talvi (4); Mason. (10); dylux (10)] 21. Hellbound [42: Not Jabba (2); Spectre01 (8); Malrionn (7); bLOCKbOYgAMES (9); HUNdebLeonidasX (7); Bryan T (9)] 22. The Adventures of Square [34: Sky (9); ShotgunDemolition (5); Ed (5); Woolie Wool (8); Squadallah (7)] 23. Memento Mori 2 [33: ella guro (3); Dime (2); justsomemusicguy (4); T-Rex (2); bLOCKbOYgAMES (6); valkiriforce (10); Altima (1); Squadallah (5)] 24. Vanguard [33: Cynical (5); Spectre01 (3); 7hm (4); JudgeDeadd (3); GarrettChan (5); Poncho (9); Nirvana (4)] 25. Icarus: Alien Vanguard [33: Ralphis (6); Grazza (8); roadworx (3); T-Rex (3); Mason. (5); valkiriforce (8)] 26. Suspended in Dusk [32: Sky (2); WH-Wilou84 (3); bLOCKbOYgAMES (8); Woolie Wool (10); soner du (9)] 27. Congestion 1024 [32: Mr. Freeze (5); HyperLuke (7); Voltcom9 (5); bonnie (4); Dragonfly (6); Philnemba (5)] 28. Doom the Way id Did [31: Mr. Freeze (4); Malrionn (2); MFG38 (4); WH-Wilou84 (1); Woolie Wool (5); Greyenko (9); Altima (6)] 29. Swim With the Whales [30: WH-Wilou84 (2); Nate River (9); Soundblock (3); Lazorinc (6); Nirvana (10)] 30. Pirate Doom [30: Jaws In Space (10); Dime (5); Phobus (6); Dragonfly (7); Soundblock (2)] 31. A.L.T. [29: Not Jabba (7); Spectre01 (2); ella guro (10); yakfak (10)] 32. Eternal Doom [28: Vorpal (5); 7hm (5); T-Rex (5); Woolie Wool (6); Greyenko (1); valkiriforce (6)] 33. Strain [27: Grazza (6); ella guro (4); roadworx (6); JudgeDeadd (1); T-Rex (1); Squadallah (9)] 34. Japanese Community Project [27: Not Jabba (6); Archvile Hunter (5); antares031 (5); ella guro (7); JudgeDeadd (3); Soundblock (1)] 35. Stardate 20X6 [26: MFG38 (6); WH-Wilou84 (3); Talvi (1); GarrettChan (7); bemused (3); Nirvana (6)] 36. ZDoom Community Map Project II [25: Graf Zahl (10); Phobus (9); TechnoDoomed1 (6)] 37. DWANGO 5 [25: Doomkid (10); Ralphis (7); antares031 (8)] 38. Lunatic [24: Cynical (6); Dime (9); Nate River (4); Poncho (5)] 39. Disturbia [23: Sky (7); darkreaver (10); Paul977 (6)] 40. Hell Ground [23: Cynical (8); stasiowygrzybek (7); antares031 (5); WH-Wilou84 (2); darkreaver (1)] 41. Unloved [22: MFG38 (1); everennui (8); bonnie (10); TechnoDoomed1 (3)] 42. No End in Sight [22: Not Jabba (5); Vorpal (5); ella guro (6); yakfak (5); Woolie Wool (1)] 43. Plutonia: Revisited Community Project [21: Nine Inch Heels (3); Paul977 (10); bLOCKbOYgAMES (3); Altima (5)] 44. Cyberdreams [21: 42PercentHealth (3); ShotgunDemolition (1); 7hm (7); justsomemusicguy (3); bonnie (7)] 45. Community Chest 4 [20: Malrionn (10); JudgeDeadd (3); Phobus (3); HUNdebLeonidasX (4)] 46. Newgothic Movement 2 [19: Nine Inch Heels (8); ShotgunDemolition (2); Outrageous Videos (9)] 47. Nuts [19: stasiowygrzybek (6); AnonimVio (9); roadworx (4)] 48. Arcadia Demade [19: Jaws In Space (9); Vorpal (5); soner du (5)] 48. Equinox [19: Sky (5); Grazza (9); ella guro (5)] 50. Demonfear [18: roadworx (8); soner du (6); Philnemba (3); NaZa (1)] 51. The Ultimate Torment & Torture [18: HyperLuke (8); Talvi (4); Greyenko (4); TechnoDoomed1 (2)] 52. Breach [17: Jaws In Space (7); Dime (10)] 53. Brutal Doom: Hell on Earth Starter Pack [17: TechnoDoomed1 (9); Squadallah (8)] 54. Bauhaus [17: ella guro (9); 7hm (5); Grain of Salt (3)] 55. TNT: Revilution [17: Spectra (9); bLOCKbOYgAMES (2); GarrettChan (1); dylux (5)] 56. Chillax [17: Nine Inch Heels (4); AnonimVio (5); fveitsi (5); Outrageous Videos (3)] 57. Perdition's Gate [16: Vorpal (5); Nate River (1); bonnie (10)] 58. Violence [16: stasiowygrzybek (10); everennui (4); Nate River (2)] 59. 2002: A Doom Odyssey [16: soner du (8); Philnemba (8)] 59. Doom II the Way id Did [16: Dime (8); dylux (8)] 61. Winter's Fury [15: Dragonfly (5); TechnoDoomed1 (10)] 62. Urban Brawl: Action Doom 2 [15: stasiowygrzybek (1); JudgeDeadd (4); Phobus (10)] 63. Knee-Deep in ZDoom [15: Graf Zahl (6); Voltcom9 (7); tchkb (2)] 64. Jenesis [15: Not Jabba (2); JudgeDeadd (3); Altima (7); NaZa (2); Poncho (1)] 65. Threshold of Pain [14: Malrionn (7); MFG38 (7)] 66. Eternal Slumber Party [14: Roofi (2); Outrageous Videos (8); Grain of Salt (4)] 67. Unholy Realms [14: Dime (6); Bryan T (1); dylux (7)] 68. Bloodstain [14: NuMetalManiak (5); everennui (5); Forli (4)] 69. Batman Doom [13: JudgeDeadd (3); soner du (10)] 70. The Darkening Episode 2 [13: Graf Zahl (4); Woolie Wool (9)] 71. Elysion [13: Sky (8); darkreaver (5)] 72. Miasma [12: WH-Wilou84 (1); Soundblock (2); Nirvana (9)] 73. Stardate 20X7 [12: Grain of Salt (8); bemused (4)] 74. Deus Vult [12: Mr. Freeze (7); WH-Wilou84 (5)] 75. ZPack [12: MFG38 (5); Voltcom9 (3); TechnoDoomed1 (4)] 76. Community Chest 2 [11: Sky (10); tchkb (1)] 77. Crumpets [11: everennui (2); Nate River (8); Nirvana (1)] 78. Harmony [11: Not Jabba (5); Sky (6)] 78. Urban Brawl: Dead of Winter [11: Ralphis (6); Phobus (5)] 80. Mutiny [11: Jaws In Space (6); Doomkid (3); everennui (2)] 81. Swift Death [11: Nine Inch Heels (1); fveitsi (5); Mason. (5)] 82. Castle of Evil [10: bzzrak (10)] 82. Hell to Pay [10: bonnie (10)] 82. UAC Ultra [10: Malrionn (10)] 82. Wow [10: AnonimVio (10)] 86. Legacy of Heroes [10: Roofi (7); dylux (3)] 87. Extreme Terror [10: Nine Inch Heels (5); everennui (5)] 88. Grime [10: WH-Wilou84 (2); darkreaver (4); Paul977 (4)] 89. Doom: Damnation [9: bzzrak (9)] 89. Dump Episode 1: Fuck Time Limits [9: Voltcom9 (9)] 89. Dump Episode 3: BFG Edition [9: HyperLuke (9)] 89. Hi-Tech Hell 2: Alien Tech [9: Graf Zahl (9)] 89. Torment and Torture [9: MFG38 (9)] 94. Beyond Reality [9: Talvi (3); HUNdebLeonidasX (6)] 95. Doomguy's Pimp Ventures [8: AnonimVio (8)] 95. Italo-Doom [8: bemused (8)] 95. Mangle [8: bzzrak (8)] 95. Nimrod: Ixnay on the Hombre [8: Graf Zahl (8)] 95. Sacrament [8: ella guro (8)] 95. Survive in Hell [8: Spectra (8)] 95. Ultimate Simplicity [8: Dragonfly (8)] 95. ZDoom Community Map Project: Take 1 [8: Phobus (8)] 103. No Rest for the Living [8: Vorpal (5); Woolie Wool (3)] 104. Revolution! [8: Not Jabba (1); Grazza (3); Altima (4)] 105. Scythe X [8: 42PercentHealth (2); Graf Zahl (2); Talvi (3); bLOCKbOYgAMES (1)] 106. Castle Heng [7: 7hm (7)] 106. Chex Quest 2 [7: bzzrak (7)] 106. Cold as Hell [7: Graf Zahl (7)] 106. Comatose [7: yakfak (7)] 106. Eden [7: Nirvana (7)] 106. Insanity's Edge [7: TechnoDoomed1 (7)] 106. Mock 2: The Speed of Stupid [7: AnonimVio (7)] 106. Odessa 1 [7: 7hm (7)] 106. Plutonium Winds [7: Spectra (7)] 106. Shadows of Chronos [7: Grain of Salt (7)] 106. Waterlab GZD [7: Phobus (7)] 117. Doomsday of UAC [7: Jaws In Space (2); Ed (5)] 118. Community is Falling 3 [7: NuMetalManiak (3); Voltcom9 (4)] 118. Doom City [7: Jaws In Space (4); Doomkid (3)] 118. Doom: One [7: HyperLuke (4); Greyenko (3)] 121. 20 Monsters Community Project [6: Voltcom9 (6)] 121. Assault on Tei Tenga [6: Ralphis (6)] 121. Castle of the Damned [6: bzzrak (6)] 121. Dark Encounters [6: Bryan T (6)] 121. Double Impact [6: Ralphis (6)] 121. Elf Gets Pissed [6: Ralphis (6)] 121. Five Rooms of Doom [6: HyperLuke (6)] 121. Holy Hell [6: bemused (6)] 121. Judas [6: antares031 (6)] 121. Mars War [6: Roofi (6)] 121. Nuke Mine (Come Get Some) [6: Soundblock (6)] 121. SSL2 [6: antares031 (6)] 121. The Adventures of MassMouth [6: Ralphis (6)] 121. The Journey [6: Spectra (6)] 121. UAC Military Nightmare [6: AnonimVio (6)] 121. Unidoom Deathmatch X [6: Ralphis (6)] 121. Urania [6: Spectre01 (6)] 138. Echelon [6: Sky (1); bzzrak (5)] 138. Phobos: Anomaly Reborn [6: Ed (5); Graf Zahl (1)] 138. Tech Gone Bad [6: Jaws In Space (5); JudgeDeadd (1)] 141. Aliens TC [6: yakfak (4); soner du (2)] 141. Fava Beans [6: Philnemba (2); NaZa (4)] 141. Newgothic Movement 1 [6: everennui (2); Outrageous Videos (4)] 144. Demon Eclipse [6: Soundblock (1); Lazorinc (1); tchkb (4)] 145. Brotherhood of Ruin: The Lost Temple [5: Vorpal (5)] 145. City of the Damned: Apocalypse [5: TechnoDoomed1 (5)] 145. Dante's Gate [5: Soundblock (5)] 145. Doom Center [5: HUNdebLeonidasX (5)] 145. Drip Feed [5: Vorpal (5)] 145. Execution [5: Doomkid (5)] 145. Gene-Tech: Before the Storm [5: Graf Zahl (5)] 145. Good Morning Phobos [5: Bryan T (5)] 145. Greenwar II [5: Ed (5)] 145. Hacx [5: Grazza (5)] 145. Innocence X2 [5: Spectra (5)] 145. Mordeth [5: Vorpal (5)] 145. Osiris [5: Vorpal (5)] 145. Slaughterfest 2011 [5: Outrageous Videos (5)] 145. SpaceDM9 [5: Ed (5)] 145. The Slayer [5: Vorpal (5)] 145. Vulkan Episode 1 [5: HyperLuke (5)] 162. Zen Dynamics [5: Phobus (4); TechnoDoomed1 (1)] 163. Chord G [5: JudgeDeadd (2); Paul977 (3)] 163. Nova II: New Dawn [5: Not Jabba (3); dylux (2)] 163. The Unholy Trinity [5: yakfak (3); Soundblock (2)] 163. Zone 300 [5: Soundblock (3); Bryan T (2)] 167. Chord 2 [4: Paul977 (4)] 167. Crimson Horizon [4: Paul977 (4)] 167. Crucified Dreams [4: Soundblock (4)] 167. Imp Encounter [4: AnonimVio (4)] 167. Jade Earth [4: Roofi (4)] 167. Khorus [4: NuMetalManiak (4)] 167. Monster Hunter Ltd Part I [4: Jaws In Space (4)] 167. Monster Hunter Ltd Part II [4: Jaws In Space (4)] 167. Sine Die [4: bLOCKbOYgAMES (4)] 167. UAC Ultra 2 [4: Sky (4)] 167. Vile Flesh [4: Grazza (4)] 167. Vrack [4: bzzrak (4)] 167. Vrack 3 [4: Spectra (4)] 167. Whispers of Satan [4: Woolie Wool (4)] 181. Combat Shock 2 [4: Cynical (1); Nate River (3)] 181. Dystopia 3: Re-Birth of Anarchy [4: Soundblock (3); valkiriforce (1)] 181. The Enigma Episode [4: T-Rex (3); valkiriforce (1)] 184. 50 Shades of Graytall [4: Nine Inch Heels (2); Voltcom9 (2)] 184. Stronghold: On the Edge of Chaos [4: MFG38 (2); Dragonfly (2)] 186. Slaughterfest 2012 [4: HyperLuke (1); Outrageous Videos (1); bemused (2)] 187. 2castles [3: Soundblock (3)] 187. A Boy and His Barrel [3: Dragonfly (3)] 187. Armadosia: The Mad Corridor [3: Roofi (3)] 187. Awakening [3: Graf Zahl (3)] 187. Chord 1 [3: Paul977 (3)] 187. Chord 3 [3: Paul977 (3)] 187. Community Chest 3 [3: Mr. Freeze (3)] 187. Disciples of Darkness [3: Nirvana (3)] 187. Doom Barracks Zone [3: HUNdebLeonidasX (3)] 187. Earth [3: ShotgunDemolition (3)] 187. Freedoom: Phase 1 [3: stasiowygrzybek (3)] 187. Hellrun [3: Doomkid (3)] 187. Legacy of Suffering [3: MFG38 (3)] 187. Phobos [3: Jaws In Space (3)] 187. Pizza Steve [3: Bryan T (3)] 187. T3ST [3: bzzrak (3)] 187. The Sky May Be [3: AnonimVio (3)] 187. Unidoom DM 3 [3: Doomkid (3)] 205. Dark Covenant [3: NuMetalManiak (2); bonnie (1)] 206. 30,000 Levels [2: AnonimVio (2)] 206. Area 51 [2: Doomkid (2)] 206. Back to Basics [2: WH-Wilou84 (2)] 206. Bloody Steel [2: ella guro (2)] 206. City of the Damned [2: HUNdebLeonidasX (2)] 206. Cleimos 2 [2: valkiriforce (2)] 206. Dead Air [2: HyperLuke (2)] 206. Flashback to Hell [2: GarrettChan (2)] 206. Holy Hell [2: Outrageous Videos (2)] 206. Ice Rage [2: stasiowygrzybek (2)] 206. Jagermorder: Chemical Lab [2: Soundblock (2)] 206. Khorus' Speedy Shit [2: Phobus (2)] 206. Rf 1024 [2: JudgeDeadd (2)] 206. Rush [2: Nirvana (2)] 206. Sector 666 [2: bzzrak (2)] 206. Skulldash [2: everennui (2)] 206. System Vices [2: Grazza (2)] 206. THT: Threnody [2: Doomkid (2)] 206. Vela Pax [2: WH-Wilou84 (2)] 225. Eternity [2: bonnie (1); Soundblock (1)] 225. Freedoom: Phase 2 [2: Spectra (1); Voltcom9 (1)] 225. One Bloody Night [2: WH-Wilou84 (1); T-Rex (1)] 228. Action Doom [1: Dragonfly (1)] 228. Aeternum [1: 42PercentHealth (1)] 228. Bermuda Triangle [1: Doomkid (1)] 228. Castle of Eternal Carrot in the Sky [1: Jaws In Space (1)] 228. Combat Shock [1: WH-Wilou84 (1)] 228. Cygnus IV [1: Philnemba (1)] 228. Doom: The Golden Souls [1: everennui (1)] 228. Endless Torture [1: soner du (1)] 228. Extremal Doom [1: Grazza (1)] 228. Galaxia [1: JudgeDeadd (1)] 228. Gothic DM [1: Soundblock (1)] 228. Grezzo 2 [1: AnonimVio (1)] 228. LithE2M1 [1: bzzrak (1)] 228. Mini-Level Megawad [1: Phobus (1)] 228. Obituary [1: T-Rex (1)] 228. Plutonia 1024: The Plutinya Exeriment [1: JudgeDeadd (1)] 228. Reelism [1: HUNdebLeonidasX (1)] 228. Rise of the Wool Ball [1: Squadallah (1)] 228. Spicy Evil Spaghetti [1: everennui (1)] 228. The Devilz Work [1: everennui (1)] 228. The Rebirth [1: Malrionn (1)] 228. The Troopers' Playground [1: T-Rex (1)] 228. The Twilight Zone [1: T-Rex (1)] 228. The Ultimate Icon of Sin [1: Soundblock (1)] 228. The Vilecore [1: dylux (1)] N.B. Tiebreakers are in use. Key: Ranking. WAD [Total Points: Member1 (Points); Member2 (Points); ...] Edited June 14, 2022 by baja blast rd. 23 Quote Share this post Link to post
42PercentHealth Posted April 13, 2017 (edited) 10 - Scythe 2 9 - Scythe 1 9 - Resurgence 7 - Hell Revealed 2 5 - Ancient Aliens 5 - Alien Vendetta 4 - Memento Mori (might deserve more points -- it's been a long time since I played it) 3 - Cyberdreams 2 - Scythe X 1 - Aeternum (who's heard of it?) Edited April 13, 2017 by 42PercentHealth 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nine Inch Heels Posted April 13, 2017 10 points - SunLust 9 points - Sunder 8 points - Newgothic movement 2 7 points - Valiant 6 points - Ancient aliens 5 points - Extreme terror 4 points - Chillax 3 points - PRCP 2 points - 50 shades of Graytall 1 point - swift death 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
42PercentHealth Posted April 13, 2017 3 minutes ago, savagegrant said:'re 1 WAD short ;) But I spent all my points -- to move any points around would totally mess up the precisely calculated proportion of points merited by each of the previously enumerated WADs. ;-) I'll see what I can do... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
42PercentHealth Posted April 13, 2017 3 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said: 10 points - SunLust 9 points - Sunder 8 points - Newgothic movement 2 7 points - Valiant 6 points - Ancient aliens 5 points - Extreme terror 4 points - Chillax 3 points - PRCP 2 points - 50 shades of Graytall 1 point - swift death AA is the only one listed that I've actually played. What is an inexperienced Doomer such as myself doing on this thread?? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Not Jabba Posted April 13, 2017 (edited) 7 points - A.L.T. 6 points - JPCP 6 points - Ancient Aliens 6 points - Resurgence 5 points - Harmony 5 points - No End in Sight 5 points - Scythe 2 5 points - Valiant 3 points - Nova 2 2 points - Jenesis 2 points - Hellbound 2 points - Speed of Doom 1 point - Revolution! Edited April 13, 2017 by Not Jabba 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
dew Posted April 13, 2017 13 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said: 4 points - Chillax 10 points - that BtSX e1map01 edit j4rio made that floodfills the entire place with cyberdemons and archviles 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Cynical Posted April 13, 2017 10 points -- Deus Vult II 9 points -- Hell Revealed 8 points -- Hell Ground 7 points -- Alien Vendetta 6 points -- Lunatic 5 points -- Vanguard 4 points -- Resurgence 3 points -- Sunlust 2 points -- Scythe 2 1 point -- Combat Shock 2 ...This is really hard to do, and I'm sure I'll think I totally screwed this up in a few minutes. Oh well, whatever. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nine Inch Heels Posted April 13, 2017 9 minutes ago, dew said: 10 points - that BtSX e1map01 edit j4rio made that floodfills the entire place with cyberdemons and archviles Link? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SFoZ911 Posted April 13, 2017 (edited) 10 points -- The Mucus Flow > B.P.R.D 9 points -- The Adventures of Square > Jimmy Paddock* 8 points -- Elysion > Death-Destiny 7 points -- Disturbia > Death-Destiny 6 points -- Harmony > TVR! 5 points -- Equinox > B.P.R.D 4 points -- UAC Ultra 2 > 40oz 3 points -- Back to Saturn X E1 > Esselfortium** 2 points -- Suspended in Dusk > Espi 1 point -- Echelon >Sverre Kvernmo * The Adventures of Square Team ** The Back to Saturn X Team Edited April 13, 2017 by Sky 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
baja blast rd. Posted April 13, 2017 1 hour ago, Nine Inch Heels said: 8 points - Newgothic movement 2 We could use some ngmvmt2 table fills! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Jaws In Space Posted April 13, 2017 10 points - Pirate Doom 9 points - Arcadia Demade 8 points - Monster Hunter LTD: Part 1 & 2 7 points - Breach 6 points - Mutiny 5 points - Tech gone Bad 4 points - Doom City 3 points - Phobos 2 points - UAC Dead 1 points - Castle of the Eternal Carrot in the Sky Can you tell that I prefer small map sets to megawads :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
BigDickBzzrak Posted April 13, 2017 10 points -- CASTEVIL.WAD (best 1994 level, ever, ever) 9 points -- Doom: Damnation 8 points -- MANGLE.WAD (it's cute) 7 points -- Chex Quest 2 6 points -- CASTLEOF.WAD (quake in doom, in 1996) 5 points -- Echelon 4 points -- Vrack 1 3 points -- T 3 S T 2 points -- Sector 666 1 point -- LITHE2M1.WAD (for being so awesome) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Archvile Hunter Posted April 13, 2017 5 points -- Back to Saturn X E1 5 points -- Valiant 5 points -- Speed of Doom 5 points -- Going Down 5 points -- Scythe 5 points -- Scythe 2 5 points -- Sunlust 5 points -- Plutonia 2 5 points -- Resurgence 5 points -- Ancient Aliens 5 points -- JPCP 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted April 13, 2017 (edited) scythe.wad - 10 points dwango5.wad - 10 points mm.wad - 10 points exec.wad - 5 points av.wad - 3 points doomcity.wad - 3 points mutiny.wad - 3 points hellrun.wad (the one by Adrian Smart) - 3 points udm3.wad - 3 points area51.wad - 2 points thtthren.wad - 2 points bermuda.wad - 1 point Edited April 13, 2017 by Doomkid 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Mr. Freeze Posted April 13, 2017 10 points - Hell Revealed 9 points - Alien Vendetta 8 points - Scythe 2 7 points - Deus Vult 6 points - Plutonia 2 5 points - Congestion 1024 4 points - DTWID 3 points - Community Chest 3 2 points - Scythe 1 point - Hell Revealed 2 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ShoDemo Posted April 13, 2017 Man, I would love having more experience, but since I haven't been playing custom wads for many years, here is my list: BTSX E1 - 10 points (jaw drops to the floor first time I played it) Scythe 2 - 9 points (even better gameplay than Scythe 1) Scythe 1 - 8 points (easy to learn, hard to master) Ancient Aliens - 7 points (gorgeous) Epic 2 - 6 points (multiple themes with the egyptian being the most important) The Adventures of Square - 5 points (colourful graphics and enemies that go splash when killed, Yey) Sunlust - 4 points (challenging and beautiful at the same time, with slaughtermap characteristics) Earth.wad - 3 points (looks very good at the start and it is challenging all the way through) NGmvmt2 - 2 points (the levels I played of it are hard to 100%, but have reasonable solutions) Cyberdreams - 1 point (clever puzzles, but it feels more of a sidegame like Romero's Death Skittles) Note that I haven't finished all of them, but I played most of these long enough to see if I like them or not. Obviously, as time changes, I may put a new one here or rearrange the already existing ones. Also, I don't know if adding Earth would appeal to you guys, but I enjoyed it enough, for it to be in my list (found it randomly on a wiki or wikia page). I would also add Romero's new level, but he belonged to the id team, so I don't think it counts to do that. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
NieMaMordy Posted April 13, 2017 (edited) 10 points goes to Violence (best style, best music, best monster placement, lots of violet, and red) 9 points goes to memento mori (second best monster placement ever) 8 points goes to scythe 2 (great level design, and monster placement is great) 7 points goes to hell grounds (third best monster placement I've ever seen, and new sounds) 6 points goes to nuts.wad (i like the idea, music, and everything related to this map. Don't hate the player, hate the game) 5 points goes to scythe 1 (first half is cool, then it gets worse with every map, but still playable) 4 points goes to ancient aliens (i like the idea and style) 3 points goes to freedoom phase 1 (nice level design, and very nice textures) 2 points goes to ice_rage (biggest map i've ever seen, and has good monster placement) 1 point goes to action doom 2 (STYLE) Edited April 13, 2017 by stasiowygrzybek 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NuMetalManiak Posted April 13, 2017 10: Deus Vult II - (always loved this one, not a whole lot of slaughter except for 3 and a half levels, plus the suicide exits being optional, why haven't others done things like this?) 9: Epic 2 - (immersion and setting kill it) 8: Ancient Aliens - (great difficulty curve all around, better than Valiant with less annoyances) 7: Going Down - (ludicrous fun, works well on any difficulty setting) 6: Alien Vendetta - (killer lighting and everything) 5: Bloodstain - (immersive, AV-like) 4: Khorus - (love Shadowman's wads, over-the-top music and great settings + gameplay) 3: Community is Falling 3 - (deserves to be on here) 2: Dark Covenant - (mostly because of the Metallica MIDIs that actually drive the 90's gameplay for me) 1: Hell Revealed 2 - (MIDIs again, also it's always fun to revisit) I missed a lot of course, but screw it. Mine is based on replayability and overall enjoyment. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Spectre01 Posted April 13, 2017 (edited) 10 points - Valiant (Excellent custom enemies. Cyberwar 7734.) 9 points - Sunlust (The best action-based megawad.) 8 points - Hellbound (Great atmosphere, visuals and transitions between level.) 7 points - Epic 2 (Clever puzzles, secrets and surprisingly challenging gameplay.) 6 points - Urania (Huge, non-linear maps without any hand-holding and brutal gameplay.) 5 points - Plutonia 2 (Great sequel with larger, more ambitious maps and the best looking IoS boss.) 4 points - Ancient Aliens (Unique visuals, fast and fun gameplay and nice OST. Not better than Valiant.) 3 points - Vanguard (Just plain fun.) 2 points - A.L.T. (Insane amounts of creativity and originality. map11. Gay Nukem: Hot Hot Hot!) 1 point - Resurgence (A more consistent sequel to Speed of Doom with large, interesting maps. map25-30 feature high quality ball-busting.) Edited April 13, 2017 by Spectre01 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
j4rio Posted April 13, 2017 (edited) 5 hours ago, dew said: 10 points - that BtSX e1map01 edit j4rio made that floodfills the entire place with cyberdemons and archviles just wait until my chillax edit that changes each flock of mobs to a single zombieman or imp Edited April 13, 2017 by j4rio 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Vorpal Posted April 13, 2017 5 - mordeth 5 - osiris 5 - memento mori 5 - dripfeed 5 - slayer 5 - no rest for the living 5 - eternal doom 5 - brotherhood of ruin : the lost temple 5 - arcadia 5 - perdition's gate 5 - no end in sight (maybe premature since I'm not done with it, but damn) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ralphis Posted April 14, 2017 7 - dwango5 6 - Icarus 6 - Scythe 2 6 - Tei Tenga 6 - The Adventures of MassMouth 6 - Elf Gets Pissed 6 - Urban Brawl & Dead of Winter 6 - Double Impact 6 - UDMX 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
vdgg Posted April 14, 2017 "The Mucus Flow" is not a WAD, it's a map from Cchest2 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted April 14, 2017 (edited) lol Ralphis that's 61 points nevermind I'm dumb that's actually one thing Good picks though! Edited April 14, 2017 by Doomkid 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
HyperLuke Posted April 14, 2017 Of the ones I have played so far. 10: Scythe 2 9: DUMP 3 8. The Ultimate Torment and Torture 7: Congestion 1024 6: 5 Rooms of Doom 5: Vulkan Episode 1 4: Doom One 3: Sunder 2: Dead Air 1: Slaughterfest 2012 Note I haven't played many long wads despite owning doom and using source ports for quite a while. I also wanted to choose from a variety of catagories. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Asure Posted April 14, 2017 (edited) 10 - Valiant 9 - TNT: Revilution (if counts) 8 - Survive In Hell 7 - Plutonium Winds 6 - The Journey 5 - Innocence X2 4 - Vrack 3 3 - Alien Vendetta 2 - Plutonia 2 1 - Freedoom Phase 2 Edited April 14, 2017 by Spectra 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SFoZ911 Posted April 14, 2017 8 hours ago, vdgg said: "The Mucus Flow" is not a WAD, it's a map from Cchest2 I know but I didn't care that much for the other stuff but I guess I should've mention that it's from Community Chest 2. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Malrionn Posted April 14, 2017 10 points - Community Chest 4 10 points - UAC Ultra 8 points - Back to Saturn X Ep1 7 points - Hellbound 7 points - Threshold of Pain 6 points - Back to Saturn X Ep2 2 points - Alien Vendetta 2 points - Doom the Way Id Did 2 points - Plutonia 2 1 points - The Rebirth 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
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